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The wonders of the internet

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive January 2006: The wonders of the internet
By Pamt on Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 10:17 pm:

DH has 2 blogs---his personal thoughts and ramblings and then one specific to ministry. This one guy who is also a minister stumbled across Robert's ministry blog and reads regularly. They have realized that they both think a lot alike. This guy said that they need a new youth minister and he has emailed and called Robert several times to get him to interview. He's not interested right now, for a lot of reasons that I won't go into, but anyway they decided to meet. The other guy, G, lives in Little Rock, so they met 2 weeks ago in Texarkana--about halfway. They had a 4 hour lunch, realized that they have more in common than they ever thought, and not only that, but G's sister was in Robert's first youth ministry and G dated a girl that was a youth in that first youth group. Small world!! They had a blast talking and now email and call regularly. Now G has asked Robert to come up and preach one Sunday in Feb. They are paying Robert and providing us a hotel room Friday and Saturday, so we are going to take the boys and have a mini-vacation. Arkansas is our favorite (or 2nd fav) state and we have never been to LIttle Rock. Should be fun! We'll get to all meet G, his wife, and his two kids. How cool is that?

By Marcia on Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 10:34 pm:

I think that's very cool!! I have met some of my best friends on the internet. I know a lot of people think that's insane, but I think it's wonderful! Meeting face to face is so much fun when you already know the person so well!

By Jewlz on Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 10:40 pm:

Thats totally awesome! The net can be a wonderful place. Enjoy the mini vacation and the new friendships ull be making. Bet they make a big impression on ya'll to make ya want to return.

By Kate on Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 11:00 pm:

Sounds like maybe your DH could get interested...especially if Arkansas is one of your favorite states!! I roomed with a girl from Little Rock, but I've never been there. Love the accents, though!

By Pamt on Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 11:07 pm:

No, probably not. Our church is going through major problems and drama right now and it would be very tempting to leave but G was very honest in telling Robert what problems his church is having too. It would be out of the frying pan and into the fire, so to speak. Plus the fact that I have about 18 months of school left and the fact that our church has no Sr. Pastor right now and Robert is trying to ease the transition process. At any rate it will be fun. And who knows what will happen 1-2 years from now?? When we were preparing to leave MO we told God we would go anywhere but Louisiana or New Jersey (I was even up for a mud hut in Africa!) and here we are in Baton Rouge. :)

By Karen~moderator on Sunday, January 22, 2006 - 09:32 am:

Pam, I ditto Marcia! A very old friend told me, after I was in an emotionally abusive marriage for over 10 years and had reached my limit and my DH moved out, that the internet helped put me back into the world. I met my wonderful DH on the internet, and have made wonderful friends here as well.

I've also joined other messageboards and met people who have given me invaluable information I needed for specific health problems.

And one of the most wonderful things ever - from a post on one of those messageboards, someone introduced me to Chemo Angels, who provided a wonderful service to my mom in her last 18 months of life. One day I plan to reciprocate and do the same thing, hopefully to brighten the days of another terminal patient.

The world is smaller that any of us think, and the internet is a wonderful thing.

It's corny, but sometimes I think it's fate. I'm so glad to hear of yours and your DH's newfound friend/colleague!

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