8 month old grandson getting new teeth....
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive January 2006:
8 month old grandson getting new teeth....
Hi all, my grandson who already has two bottom teeth is getting two more in on the bottom!! He's been getting up on and off during the night because they bother him. I was thinking baby motrin or baby tylenol before he goes to sleep each evening. We've tried orajel but with the pain relievers I thought that would be a better choice. Any other suggestions? It's been awhile since I had a baby in the house that had teeth coming in. I thought I'd ask you other mommies that have babies. I'll check back when I'm home from work... Thanks!!! Kelly
Helen was just into the doc's because she was not sleeping either. Turns out she has all four molars coming in at the same time . The doctor said to keep her on 24 hour motrin for the pain and swelling. He does not set much store by the oral anesthetics because they come right off with all the drooling. Hugs. Let him chew on a small frozen bagel. That should help with the front teeth. Ame
Thanks ame, we will try that!!!
He can suck on one of those frozen pops that come in a tube of plastic. My kids loved this and they can be used over and over again.
Natalie got all 4 molars and both bottom incisors all at once! We didn't do the oral numbing meds either for the same reason Ame mentioned. Tylenol during the day and Motrin at night for us, plus lots of ice cream and ice teethers. (We thought a little girl getting that many teeth at once should get some extra ice cream!)