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So how do you know when its more then a cold?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive January 2006: So how do you know when its more then a cold?
By Jackie on Friday, January 6, 2006 - 01:33 pm:

I know there is tons of illness going around, its so hard to avoid. My son and myself have had these cold symptoms for over 3 weeks now. He was running a high fever with this that lasted 8 days. I took him to the dr, they did a strep test, negative, and ran bloodwork, all normal. She said it was just viral.So no medicine was given. He is finally getting better. My husband had a stomach virus on and off for a week(he is a person that there is always something wrong with him). He also went to the dr, they ran bloodtests, again, found nothing wrong, said it was viral.
Me, well Im still coughing alot, but no stuffy nose. Ive had a low grade fever for a couple days, on and off. I take some Motrin, makes the fever go away and I feel fine.
But, how long are you suppose to wait to go to the dr? See, I just hate to go for them to tell me its virus, it will run its course.Since they have already told my son and husband this.I mean really, how do you know its nothing more then a cold?
I rarely ever get sick, and rarely ever go to the dr.Im one of those people who has to be on their death bed to actually go for a sick visit.

By Karen~moderator on Friday, January 6, 2006 - 02:27 pm:

With bacterial infections, you usually run a higher fever, and it doesn't normally *come and go*, as with viral illnesses. Also, not to be gross, but with a cold, nasal discharge might be from clear to yellow. Green usually means something more, like sinus infections, etc.

Virus type illnesses can last for 2-3 weeks. I think the reason most bacterial type stuff is shorter lived is because they respond to antibiotics. Antibiotics will do nothing for a virus though.

It's a tough call. I always hated making that decision when the kids were sick. I hated to bring them in *if* it was just a virus, but on the other hand, I wanted to be safe, so I usually brought them in.

I guess you have to pretty much use your own judgement. Sorry, not much help, I know.

By Dawnk777 on Friday, January 6, 2006 - 03:01 pm:

If you already have given it a week or two, then you might have a secondary bacterial infection that would respond to antibiotics.

With my last sinus infection, I just wasn't getting any better, so I finally went in. I just hate to wait too long and have the sinus infection develop into bronchitis.

DH was sick in December and even stayed home from work one day. He was coughing out gross stuff, for a while and I thought he should have gone to the doctor, but he is stubborn.

So, on New Year's Eve, he is feeling lousy again and coughing again. The doctor decided he had bronchitis and put him on erythromycin. He improved quickly after that.

So, knock on wood, we are healthy for the moment. I had a cold, too, the day he went to the doctor, but I'm better already.

By Vicki on Friday, January 6, 2006 - 03:06 pm:

Our doctors (both mine and dh's as well as dd's) are all very good about taking our phone calls. I will call and explain to them what is going on and they will let me know if they think we need to be seen, or if we should wait a few days and see what happens. I don't think they really like people coming in all day that don't need to be seen either!! LOL Dh and my doctor has even been known to just call something in for us with a phone call!! LOVE when that happens. LOL Give them a call and tell them what is going on and see what they think you should do.

By Dawnk777 on Friday, January 6, 2006 - 10:46 pm:

People in the walk-in, would like us to just give them prescriptions, but since our docs won't prescribe without seeing the patients, since they aren't primary care doctors.

We get plenty of people in the walk-in, who have barely been sick and probably should have waited longer to come in. It's nice to wish it so, but the reality of that isn't true.

On the other hand, if you are having CHEST PAIN, go to the ER! If you come by us, you get to pay for an ambulance ride to the ER!

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