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Post-holiday Letdown

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive January 2006: Post-holiday Letdown
By Tink on Monday, January 2, 2006 - 06:44 pm:

Please tell me I'm not the only one dealing with this. I really enjoyed all of our holidays this year. We had no family drama, the kids (and adults) had a blast, and everything clicked into place.

Now that everything is over though, I'm completely overwhelmed and I really have no reason for it. I've got to get my house clean (we'll have therapists traipsing through here all next week) and it's been a pit since Christmas. The kids' rooms are disasters and need to be cleaned out desperately but it will take me several days to really do it well and I don't have that with everyone that will be here. My youngest two go back to school tomorrow and I'm *so* thankful, which I feel guilty about. Our washer died about three weeks ago and we just got our new one so I've got an insane amount of laundry to wash, fold and put away. DH is at a busy time at work and is putting in overtime so he's only home to eat and sleep. My oldest dd is hitting puberty early and is tired, emotional, and I just discovered a fever so it looks like the household will all be getting sick. I've got a dentist appointment this week (I'm terrified) and my youngest has her second round of immunizations scheduled this week (she's terrified) so I'm dreading both appointments. We got a new bedroom suite last month and my bedroom still isn't back to normal. Everything just seems to be piling up and I can't make heads or tails of it. I know none of this is all that bad but I'm paralyzed and just want to hide on the computer or in a book or under the covers in bed. Argh! I keep trying to find a starting point or a set of baby steps to get started and I'm flitting from one thing to another without accomplishing a goshdarn thing and I know I'm just getting myself worked up.

Ok, I needed to vent and get this all out. I've got to go try and get something done. Jeesh, I need a vacation or something.

By Missmudd on Monday, January 2, 2006 - 06:59 pm:

Vent away, I feel the same way, I am still looking at all the christmas stuff that needs to be packed away. I should run into town for more totes for the lights and stuff but it is 45 min each way, the car's speedomoter is on the fritz and we are having some trouble with flooding. I start my next term at school next monday and I am freaking out. And I too SO am looking forward to the guys going back to school wednesday, they have been seeing if they can push each others buttons enough for somebody to throw a punch. Ugh.

It helps when I cant settle on one item to just make a list. When I am cleaning or doing one thing and I see another thing that needs to get done I add it to the list and then ignore it til I get to that item. It helps when my brains are running amok.

By Tink on Monday, January 2, 2006 - 07:04 pm:

Oh, heavens! Let's not even discuss all the Christmas stuff that needs to be put away. I'm hoping to get that done this week, too but I've got no qualms about leaving it up until next weekend. I started making a list and even seeing it stretch out ahead of me is freaking me out! Picture Santa with the list rolling out across the floor. That's what my "to-do list" feels like. I know I just need to find one thing and stick with it but doing that means I hyperfocus on it and ignore everything else.

Inhale, exhale. Rinse and repeat as necessary. :)

By Marg on Monday, January 2, 2006 - 07:07 pm:


I get to feeling down because dh was home for 11 days straight. I will miss not having him around:(

We had a really good Christmas this year but I still feel 'blue' after Christmas.

I think Thanksgiving and Christmas is a huge 'commercial' buildup and then like snow, it just melts.

Just take baby steps and try not to get too overwhelmed. I agree with missmudd. It seems like November and December my to do lists and regular schedule is out of whack and it is so hard to get back on track.

By Annie2 on Monday, January 2, 2006 - 07:13 pm:

I feel sort of the same way. There seems to be stuff everywhere! I hate the feeling. We've been in vacation mode for two weeks. The kids go back to school tomorrow. Back to normal bedtimes and early mornings.
I have to return dd's camera at the store tomorrow then I am taking down the decorations myself. I was going to do it Sunday, then today, so they could help...but they were all playing. It will be faster by myself.
I need to schedule my yearly, kids dentist's appt, puppy shots and have my hair colored as soon as possible. Plus work with this puppy he can sit on command) and file papers I have neglected for month!

By Amecmom on Monday, January 2, 2006 - 07:24 pm:

You are sooo not alone! I feel the same way! All my routines are shot!
Just bear up and smile and take the baby steps. You'll get stuff accomplished.

By Missbookworm on Monday, January 2, 2006 - 08:03 pm:

ohhh this coincides with the post I just started lol

I agree take baby steps and you'll get there. If I lived close enough I would come over and help! For some insane reason I LOVE cleaning and organizing...although I do HATE matching up socks lol

By Crystal915 on Monday, January 2, 2006 - 08:09 pm:

((((Cori)))) I'm right there with you!! You know I'd come help if I could!!

By Debbie on Tuesday, January 3, 2006 - 10:12 am:

You are definitely not alone. We were gone for 10 days during Christmas. We had a wonderful time with our family, like you, no major drama. The minute we got back, everyone started dropping like flies with the flu. My dks both had flu shots, which seemed to help. They only had it one day. Dh got it just one day too. Of course, I got it worse then everyone else. I am kicking myself for not getting a flu shot this year.

Our Christmas stuff is still up. Dh did absolutely nothing while I was in bed yesterday. I woke up to dirty dishes and stuff everywhere(GRRR I wanted to kill him this morning) The house didn't get cleaned before our trip because I was too busy with Christmas stuff, so it is a mess. The dks just dumped all their new toys in their playroom when we got back, so it is a disaster. I have a mountain of laundry to rival Mt. Everest. Dh is back at work, out of town, and all I want to do is crawl back in bed. I am living on toast and sprite and just praying I have enough strength to keep it together this week until dh gets home. I am just going to let everything go..... Gosh, this turned into one big whiny, vent.

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, January 3, 2006 - 02:52 pm:

Well, we still need to take a family picture, in front of the tree, so can't take that down, quite yet.

I think the kids and I will bring in the outside lights, after school, though. We can also start packing up all the other Christmas decorations, too.

By Groovepickle on Tuesday, January 3, 2006 - 03:24 pm:

The sad thing for me is we're not even done with Christmas's yet!! This Sat is our last one.

By Alberobello on Tuesday, January 3, 2006 - 06:51 pm:

I was like that before Christmas and somehow managed to get myself organised but only because i kept putting off the assingment i have to do for the 18th of this month. So everything else seemed more interesting to do than my coursework! Now i have i fairly organised household (i say fairly because it will never be the way i really want it to be - it just takes too long and life is too short!) but i haven't done any research for my assingment so it's time to start panicking about that and let my house get really disorganised!!!If you know what i mean :).

By Tink on Tuesday, January 3, 2006 - 10:14 pm:

Well, the cleaning that needed to be done can be put off. My oldest dd and ds are both sick and no one is going anywhere. I'm not feeling great so I cancelled both appointments (any excuse! :)) but we've had more stress added with the death of my sister-in-law's grandmother and some problems with DH's friends. ARGH! I've been kept on my toes with my 2yo nephew here while my SIL makes funeral arrangements but I still managed to get most of my cleaning done (just don't look in the kids' rooms!) and a significant dent made in the laundry. I just have to keep reminding myself to stick with what I'm doing and not get distracted or overwhelmed. Little by little, normalcy will return!

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