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Speaking of New Years Eve...

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive December 2005 : Speaking of New Years Eve...
By Jackie on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 11:36 am:

What do you normally do on New Years eve?
We dont do anything. I guess we are boring compared to most. I NEVER stay up until midnight, Im usually sound asleep by 10 the latest, sometimes 9m depending on what time Faith goes to bed.My kids are miserable the next day when they stay up that late.
Even if people invite us over we say no because I dont like to be on the road with the crazies and drunk people.
So what do you all do on New Years eve?

By Boxzgrl on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 11:42 am:

Watch fireworks around 9 pm and head to bed. Usually I don't mind having a margarita or martini to celebrate the occasion but I can't drink this year. I'm paranoid of drunk drivers too. They sure do spoil a nice holiday.

By Sunny on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 11:51 am:

We usually stay home because my DH is on call. I've been to a few New Year's Eve parties, but they were few and far between. For many years my kids were babies and I preferred staying home with them. Now, it's become more of a tradition to stay home with the kids and have our own "party". We have snacks, invite a few extended family members and play games until midnight. The kids are allowed to stay up, but the younger ones (if they make that late) have to go to bed right after midnight. :)

By Kernkate on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 12:10 pm:

We stay home with the kids, we have snacks and I have party hats and streamers for the kids. Usually friends stop by. My kids usually never make it till midnight. Brett might, but I know Liss will be alseep by 9. I am afraid of the crazy drivers that night so we always just stay home.
And this year my friend asked me to bartend for her New Years Day party, so I will need my rest to get ready to work the 1st from 11a.m.-6p.m. Fun Fun!

By Luvn29 on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 12:15 pm:

sorry...posted twice...

By Luvn29 on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 12:17 pm:

We stay home and have our own "party". The kids are nine and six, so it's a challenge keeping the six year old awake, although he insists.

Last year I bought party poppers that included a crown, a little prize, and a fortune or something. I think they are called Krackers or something... We also had party poppers that shoot the streamers out. We bought a bottle of sparkling grape juice and had a little tray of snacks.

We watched a movie together and around ten we popped open our things (because I knew ds would fall asleep!) and then we watched the New Year's shows. We started waking our son up around ten till twelve so he could do the count down with us. He is so funny. It's impossible to wake him completely from a sound sleep! He woke up enough for the countdown, but doesn't remember it! LOL!

He's been staying awake later now, so he'll be fine this year. We're looking forward to our own celebration! We have a cute picture of all of use wearing our crowns last year!

By Dawnk777 on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 02:05 pm:

We do to my friend's house shortly after 6. They have a mass to go to at 5pm. We eat supper (turkey dinner, lasagna, or hot beef sandwiches) and after the table is cleared off and the dishwasher running, we play games to pass the time from 7-ish, until midnight.

Guesstures, Thinkblot, some doodle game, Therapy, and Cranium have been some of them we have played in the past.

Emily got Apples to Apples this year, with a Target gift card that she got for St. Nick's. So, we want to play that one!

Then, near midnight, we do the countdown, drink sparkling apple or grape juice and have chocolate cake, since her DH's birthday is on January 1st!

Then we watch some tv, and go home.

By Enchens on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 03:45 pm:

I've never really done anything for it. After I got married, we spent every holiday with my in-laws. New Years were uneventful, watching a few marathons on tv. I don't like going anywhere because of the drunk drivers, but as you know, this year dh wants to go to that party. I found out last night that there are tons of people and it's basically a drink fest. Neither one of us drinks. Furthermore, it's being hosted by a professional baseball player, in his home. Dh went to high school with him. I'm really not in the mood to dress up and put on a fake smile for people I don't know at a place I won't enjoy when I could be with my dmil and dsil and my two boys, in my comfy pjs.

By Reds9298 on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 04:01 pm:

We've never been New Year's partiers. I've never really 'gotten' the whole idea of it anyway...but generally I'm a weirdo. :) If someone is having a party that we're invited to, we'll go, but for the most part we stay home. Neither one of us drinks, so we usually bring in the New Year with a Diet Coke!

By Alberobello on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 05:13 pm:

We wanted to go and see the fireworks this year in London's West End but someone invited us for dinner before we had made up our minds and because we are so disorganised we just said yes, so we are missing the fireworks again this year :(. Everyyear we end up going to someone's house but i would really love to go to town in the evening and see all the lights, then have dinner in a nice and cheap restaurant (i would love Chinese in China Town but dh hates Chinese food) and then find a quiet (or at least not too busy) spot in a bridge and watch the fireworks. Then take the 91 bus from Trafalgar Square which stops right opposite my front door. Next year we will do it...

Adena, they are called crackers and here in Britain they use them on Christmas dinner. They put them on the table to be opened before dinner (so everyone can wear their silly hat while eating their turkey!). You can cross your arms and open each cracker on your side with the person next to you. They have little toys or gadgets and a piece of paper with a joke. I've never heard of them until i came to London. They are great though.

By Tink on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 05:27 pm:

We don't have anything specific that we do each year so some years we stay home and watch the ball drop, some years we get together with family, some years we just go to bed early. This year, my best friend and I have been planning a party for a few months and I'm getting really excited about it! :) We're having a couple of teen girls there to keep the kids occupied and we're letting people bunk down for the night so that people aren't driving home. Everyone has to give up their keys upon entering so that we can minimize the possibility of anyone leaving drunk. We'll also have several cab companies phone numbers so that we can call for those that need it. We're expecting a ton of people and I think it's going to be so much fun!

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