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What makes your family so special? :)

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive December 2005 : What makes your family so special? :)
By Truestori on Thursday, December 15, 2005 - 11:17 am:

Jackies post got me thinking.

What makes everyones family here so special? What special things do you do for your family that are unique?

I'll start by saying we always try and have breakfast together on Sundays.

I allow my children to cook dinner with me, if they choose. I find it is the best time to ask all the juicy question about jr. high with my daughter.

We make up your mama jokes in the car and laugh at eachother, alot. LOL

My husband and I are both lucky that we spend alot of time with our children. He works 4 10 hour days which allows him to be off on Mondays, so he shares in the kids school experiences, morning routines etc.
I work on Sat. so it allows hubby to have quality time with the kids just relaxing.

I make it a point to take the kids out to special dinners with a girlfriend of mine who is divorced,usually once a week so she isn't so lonely and all 5 of our kids can scare the servers with all their wants..LOL

Whos next??

By Yjja123 on Thursday, December 15, 2005 - 11:42 am:

Our immediate family comes first ALWAYS.
We are known for being the fun ones but still run a strict household---kind a strange combo.
My house is the house all the kids love to hang out in because we are always up to something. For example--This weekend we are having our annual Christmas pajama slumber party. My children's friends come over (in their pajamas) and we hang out making Christmas cookies, complete a few crafts that they can take home as gifts, and watch an all day Christmas movie marathon.
We each spend one on one time with the kids on a weekly basis. My hubby is just as involved with the kids as I am.
We talk about EVERYTHING. No topic is off limits. My kids are more at ease with discussions about drugs, sex, etc., than I ever was.
Does this make us special? Hmmm... I am not so sure about that but I am proud that we are a family that respects each-other and plays together.

By Enchens on Thursday, December 15, 2005 - 02:39 pm:

I don't know if these are unique, but they are special to us. We like when my dh has the day off. We lounge in bed with our two boys and just cuddle and play.

When dh comes home from work, no matter if it's 2 pm or 10 pm, he makes sure to spend time with the boys, especially our older son. When Daddy comes home late, I make sure that ds is ready for bed, but can still spend a little time with Daddy.

Our ds, he's 2, likes to pretend a lot. We pretend with him, even if we are out in public. Sometimes I have been out in public with a sticker on my nose because we were playing some game. I get a lot of looks, but I don't care.

Ds and I type a letter on the computer about once a week. We send it to different people. I figure it's a good way to introduce him to the alphabet, technology, and communication. It also helps him organize his thoughts. The letters take forever and they are usually only two or three sentences, but he loves it, and I love to have him sitting on my lap.

Going to Church is very special, too. We enjoy teaching our son about our Faith, and watching him take it in.

DH and I can't wait to do more things with our children. We are really excited about having started our family and are looking forward to lots of good times.

By Bobbie~moderatr on Thursday, December 15, 2005 - 09:19 pm:

We laugh... We will find humor in any situation and we laugh... I fall, once they know I am okay, they start off with the wise cracks until we are all in stitches. If something bad happens we always look for the silver lining and help each other through things. We are a very tight family.. My kids prefer to be home more so than any where else. My kids say that we are the best parents they know. Dh is very actively involved in parenting our children. He loves being with the kids. My children never ceases to amaze me and I tell them as much as I can and as often as I can that I am proud to be their mom..

By Dawnk777 on Thursday, December 15, 2005 - 10:42 pm:

Yvonne, I remember you doing that party last year. It sounds like sooo much fun!

In my family, I have always let my kids help me out in the kitchen. This has happened since Sarah was old enough to push a chair across the kitchen to watch me! LOL! They have just gradually taken on more and more responsibilities and it's fun to be with them in the kitchen now! They make the best muffins!

As much as we can all irritate one another in our day-to-day lives, we got along amazingly well, while we were on vacation together, for a week! I'm still amazed! Maybe it's because we kept so busy, that when we all got back to the hotel room, we were too pooped to have hissy fits! LOL! Or maybe because we were out of our normal routine! Even the day we spent 12 hours in the car, things were calm, well until we reached that 12th hour and DH still wanted to go one more yet! Argh. I'm glad he stopped then, though!

We can all be silly sometimes, too, though, and laugh sooooo hard!

I always liked it when we all laid together in our bed, when the kids were little!

I thought it was special, when Gary would take one kid to the Saturn dealership to get work done on the Saturn. They had a computer, free cookies and soda and then when the car was done, they got to go shopping for some little trinket. The dealership is about 35 miles away, so it was a way for dad to spend quality time, with each kid. Sometimes he would ask me to come too, but I said this is your time with each kid! The kids didn't want me to come, either! LOL!

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