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Getting things even

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive December 2005 : Getting things even
By Paulas on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 01:31 am:

Do you worry about spending the same amount on each child or having the same number of gifts? I don't worry so much about the money amount but like to have the same number. Early in our shopping DS had more so I concentrated on DD. Now she has about 5 more gifts to open than him. I don't know what else to get him.

Oh, what to do????

By Missbookworm on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 02:12 am:

LOL! Paula I'm having this same problem I think I might have more gifts for my dd then for my ds's I have to look through them and count!

I'm hoping it's fairly even. I still have to pick up some games for my ds for his gameboy...and well I didn't get her anything that expensive so it's not too bad...

but still I try to keep it fairly even number wise

By Happynerdmom on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 07:59 am:

Yes, not so much the dollar amount, but I like the number to be even! I'll buy little stupid things just so they have the same number of gifts to open. This really irriates dh! He thinks it's silly. At least I'm not as bad as my Grandma was. She had to spend EXACTLY the same on each grandchild, so much so, that sometimes you would find a dollar or two along with your gift, to make up the difference! Can you believe it?!

By Mommybug77 on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 10:20 am:

I don't worry about the dollar amount as much. I do try to get close to the same number. My girls are only 20 months apart at 4 & 6, so they would notice. I try to get some gifts that they share too to even things out (movies, games, puzzles ect).

By Debbie on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 10:26 am:

We now give 3 gifts to each of my ds's. Usually, one is a big ticket item and then 2 other things. We also get them each a few stocking stuffers. I have really tried to tone down the gift giving, with all our extended family, it seems like they get way too much anyway.

By Tink on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 10:37 am:

We give three gifts per child. It is a family tradition and it keeps things simple. Now that doesn't include clothes, stocking stuffers or small items like books or CDs but this bypasses worrying about that a little bit. This year my two oldest are getting fairly expensive "big" gifts and my youngest doesn't have anything on her wish list that compares. Luckily, she's not at an age where she understands the monetary value of the gifts. It's going to get a bit more difficult when she gets older.

By Luvn29 on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 10:43 am:

Yes, I try to keep things equal as far as the amount of gifts. I'd hate for one kid to have a large pile, and the other not to have any. I also watch and make sure that one doesn't have a lot of nice gifts, and the other has several small, rinky dink gifts counting as the same.

Are there any gifts such as a game, movie, etc., that you could take away from dd and wrap as a gift for both? I do that with some gifts. Anything that they both may be using...

My children are both well behaved and I don't think would get upset over a couple gifts more, etc. Like my dd knows that her stuff costs more than my sons now, so she is okay with getting a few less. We have to worry about this at Birthdays, too, because they like to share a birthday since there's are only 12 days apart.

By Bellajoe on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 04:15 pm:

Last year i remember hearing "why does she/he have more than me?" i don't remember who said it but i do remember that they had the same amount of wrapped gifts. I don't know why that kid thought the other had more, perhaps the other childs gifts were more exciting or something.

I do spend the same amount on each child, for budgeting reasons. But i also try to have the same amount of presants under the tree for each of them. I really need to sit down and count how many gifts each kid has so far. I really don't know, i bought dd some gifts back in October and those are over in my mom's basement i have to go over and see what i got her :)

By Annie2 on Monday, December 12, 2005 - 07:30 pm:

Usually I buy the same number of presents but this year the two older ones are each getting a higher priced item, so they will have a few less than the two younger ones.

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