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I was reimbursed $100 ! It pays to be a squeaky wheel!

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive December 2005 : I was reimbursed $100 ! It pays to be a squeaky wheel!
By Mrsheidi on Wednesday, December 7, 2005 - 09:25 pm:

When Scott and I went to Florida in June, we needed to change our return flight. So, Scott called Northwest and had them changed the day before our flight was supposed to leave. Turns out, it cost $100 and I was *very* mad at him for agreeing to it. (We just wanted to leave earlier because it ended up being a tiring visit and we just wanted to go home.) However, I would have never agreed to it if it was going to cost that much.
Long story short, we get there and Delta (the ones that were sub-contracting their flight to us) had no record of our change in flight plans.
So...they put us on a flight that was leavin within 20 minutes. I didn't have time to feed Connor or change his diaper. Needless to say, that episode frazzled us even more!

So, I called Northwest and they kept denying the fact that they didn't change our flights as planned.
They wrote me saying my refund was denied, etc. So, I wrote back a long letter basically saying that "I bet my life that we were not on those flights. Call Delta!"

Low and behold, I get a phone call today saying that they received my letter and, with further review, they DID change the flights but it was the with the wrong names! So, they are putting the 100$ back into our checking account tomorrow!
It pays to be a squeaky wheel!!! :)

By Dawnk777 on Wednesday, December 7, 2005 - 10:52 pm:


By Ilovetom on Thursday, December 8, 2005 - 02:45 pm:

It does here too! My girls love American we shop there alot. They sent me a 15% off coupon and I tried to use it after the rude salesgirl had rang me up the day after Thanksgiving. She said it was too late.

So, I emailed AE and they credited my debit card for 26.00.

It pays to squeal!

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