Poinsetta plants
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive December 2005 :
Poinsetta plants
I got a lovely poinsetta plant the other day. I don't know why I wasted the money on it because I am the worse for killing plants. But...it looked so beautiful in the store. So, now the leaves are curling up and it isn't looking quite so pretty. I've actually remembered to water it. What am I doing wrong.
http://coop.co.pinellas.fl.us/TimeTweb/2002/dec02/decjohn.htm I hope this helps....most likely I imagine you're over watering it Paula.
darn it! I forgot to do the clickable link thing....anyway if you can't get that to work do a google search on poinsettia care. I bought one last year and without doing anything special to it, it lasted through til this year. Only in the last month or so did it lose the last of it's red leaves and start to "die" off.
Something I learned about poinsettia plants is to NOT place them anywhere they might be in the path of a heating vent - I place mine in a cooler spot in the house away from vents and they do a lot better (I learned that the hard way!)
Poinsettia Link
Be aware that poinsettias can be poisonous.
Yes, I knew that they can be poisonous which is why I have never gotten one before. We used to have a cat who was an inside cat and would love to chew on plants. We have a different cat now that goes outside so he doesn't chew on plants in the house. So far, so good. Thanks for all the great advice, everyone!