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We are back from Disney, but barely made it!

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive October 2005: We are back from Disney, but barely made it!
By Beth on Monday, October 10, 2005 - 04:14 pm:

Well I am back from my exteneded family vacation. That part went better then I expected. I guess it didn't hurt that my dad gave us one of the condos to ourselves. We had a great time at Disney. This time of year was hotter then I expected. I guess it is a record high. Magic Kingdom was crazy, much more so then May. Animal Kingdom was our best day. MGM was kind of ruined. Now for the bad part both my dk's got sick. They have not been sick all year!!! My dd got sick on Tues and we just ended up taking both our rest days back to back. We took her to a clinic though and they said she had a throat infection. She seemed better by Thurs went to Animal Kingdom and she had a rash all over her by noon. Ended up a allergic reaction to her antibotic. She was acting perfectly fine. They switched it. Then Fri ds gets sick and dd was sick again. I don't know if she never got over it or just caught another bug. They both threw up all night. We were supposed to leave Sat and drive to Fort Myers and visit friends of dh's that he had not seen in 10 years. She is a nurse so we actually decided to try and go ahead. That was a disaster we didn't make it anywhere before ds was sick about 5 times. We finally decided to check into our hotel for Sun night a day early. They were kind enough to let us check in before noon. Poor ds was so sick I really thought he would end up in the hospital. If that boy gets sick its always bad. Mysteriously dd was better which I was glad for. Our friends were so nice they decided to come down and stay in the same hotel since we couldn't leave. Luckily ds was well enough on Sun to enjoy some time with them. I am just so glad to be home where if they are sick we feel in more control. It is somewhat disappointing that a trip we planned all year ended so badly. Can you believe that ds still says that Rockin Roller Coaster was his favorite even though only an hour after that was when he started getting sick. Well I am just glad to be home.

By Trina~moderator on Monday, October 10, 2005 - 04:21 pm:

Sorry to hear your kids got sick! What a major bummer, especially while away on vacation. Are they both feeling better and back to normal now? How old is your DS? My absolute favorite thing during our Disney trip was the Rockin' Rollercoaster. :) However, neither of my kids were big enough at the time. My Dad (72) loved it, too!

By Karen~moderator on Monday, October 10, 2005 - 06:27 pm:

Sorry they were sick, but at least you DO have some good memories of your trip too!

By Debbie on Monday, October 10, 2005 - 09:38 pm:

I am so sorry your dks got sick. I am glad you at least enjoyed part of your trip. There is nothing worse then being sick on vacation. How are the doing now?

By Bellajoe on Monday, October 10, 2005 - 10:12 pm:

:( I'm so sorry the kids got sick. It is horrible to be sick while you are away from home. I would be so upset if we planned for so long for a vacation and the kids or dh or I got sick.

Last year when we went to Disney we were there for four days. Both kids ended up with a horrible sounding cough. The morning we left to come home, dd woke up and threw up in the bed. She had a fever and looked so sick. She slept in the airport while waiting to get on the plane, then slept most of the way home. She woke up twice, got sick in the "barf bag" and fell asleep again. She was FINE by the time we got home and it was only a 3 hour flight.

I know a lot of people who got sick or who's kids got sick at Disney. Lot's of people, lot's of germs.
I too am glad you got to have some fun on your trip!

By Beth on Tuesday, October 11, 2005 - 12:17 pm:

Well my ds had to stay home today. He had a rash all over his face. So I guess it was not an allergic reaction that my daughter had. Because she had the same weird rash but hers is gone. The doctor said it was just viral and you can get a rash with viral. She said his throat looks a little red but no strep. They gave us claritin and told me to keep him home one more day. At least I know it was not real contagious and I was infecting most of Disney World! We should be back to school tommorrow.

Trina my ds is 7 but tall enough for Rockin Roller Coaster. He likes stuff like that. But he still said today he would never do Tower of Terror again.

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