? about kittens
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive October 2005:
? about kittens
I have four baby kittens that don't have a mother.They are going bald on the top of their head.I thought it was ringworm but i don't know what ringworm looks like on a kitten.I took them to the vet they took a hair sample and going to call me next week.I can't wait until then i have three childen. I need some info on kitten and baldness.I have a biger cat that been around them and she is fine.The kitten was fine when i got them. I give them a bath and then thier hair started to come out.Thank you.
I would keep them isolated from your children and your other cat until you find out what it is. I also wouldn't give them any more baths.
I have found a stray dog that lost his hair (and it wasn't mange) from lack of nutrition. What are they eating? Are you giving them the kitty formula? Where are you keeping them? Could they be rubbing their heads over something? Does their skin look irritated or just hair loss? If it looks irritated I would go to the store and find some cream that would be safe for them, just look around or get something from the vet.
Coopaveryben their skin doesn't look irritated it just hair loss.I have been giving them kitty formula but i ran out so i have been giving them the powder milk for babys.
There are different forms of mange. I'd keep them isolated away from the kids until you know what's up.
Well, I can help you but will not post on here, was blasted last time I offered help. I run a non profit animal rescue so bald kittens are right up my alley. In the meantime DO NOT FEED HUMAN MILK to them! dogs at my casa @ Hotmail dot com Above for no spamming!
shellyg i sent you a email.