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My doctor finally has a diagnosis, maybe...

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive October 2005: My doctor finally has a diagnosis, maybe...
By Marg on Tuesday, October 4, 2005 - 07:35 am:

After 8 years of being told I have tendonitis, arthritis, pinched nerves in my neck and back and curvature of my spine...I was sent to a hand specialist/plastic surgeon by a fill-in doctor.

The radiologist's result were a negative study. Several back problems all which can not be fixed due to age.

I went to the specialist and he states the radiologist's report results are incorrect.

The stabbing pain in my hand is where severe arthritis has eaten away at the joints/cartlidge and now I am rubbing bone on bone in my left hand when I am using it.

Sorry, not much detail there, my mouth was hanging wide open trying to comprehend what was coming out of his mouth and the look on his face.

He explained, my initial consultation, he did not realize the severity of my problem.

He is trying a conservative approach with hand brace and glucosamine for 3 months.

At that time, if no change 1 of 3 things will happen. (1) He will go in and remove a bone from the hand for extra room, (2) He will go in and remove a bone and replace with a prosthesis, (3) He will go in my arm and remove tendons and ligaments and somehow replace/repair my hand with them.

He said the #3 will probably be the most likely and it will take 3-6 months to heal, however, I will not have much strength in that hand and can not promise full strength.

I've also told him at certain times when I move my hands I feel like a shock is going through them. (I was shocked in the shower at age 11, so I told him I knew how it felt).

He was also upset that during X-ray and MRI they did not read it correctly and did no tests on my right hand/wrist/arm/shoulder. Stupid me, I did not make a copy of this and when I went back and requested it, they said it was already typed into the computer. I will have to go back and retest.

Then he also said, I know I'm spelling this wrong, Wegener's granulomatosis, due to the symptoms.

So that's it in a nutshell.

I'm not supposed to use my hands for 3 months. HOW CAN YOU NOT USE YOUR HANDS?

Sorry so long, that's where I'm at...

By Kernkate on Tuesday, October 4, 2005 - 08:32 am:

{{{Marg}}} I hope the brace and glucosamine will work for you.
After breaking my wrist and surgery its very hard to be a mom with one hand. I have dealth with it for almost 2 months now and am just getting usage of it now. No fun:(
I hope things will work out for the best for you. Keep me posted.

By Karen~moderator on Tuesday, October 4, 2005 - 09:02 am:

Marg, I also have arthritis in several joints, including both hands. My left hand in the thumb joints, it's to the point where bone is grating against bone, you can hear it, and I can feel it. It is PAINFUL! Is that where yours is??? The reason I ask is that I know a woman who had a thumb joint replacement a little over a year ago for that reason. She is a hairdresser and she could no longer work. She is now back at work. I think I'm actually going to consider this if there is more deterioration to that joint. I tried glucosamine/chondroitin for months with no help, so now I take Zyflamend from Whole Foods.

By Marg on Tuesday, October 4, 2005 - 10:44 am:

Yes, that is it Karen. I didn't realize the pain was from bone on bone. My grandfather had it in his knees, he lost 2 inches before replacing it.

Please go see about it. I believe over the past 20+ years I have done more damage than good. It took 8 years and applying for disability before the doctor took me seriously:( The doctor suspects it is in both hands. I have very limited use in my left hand, even with the brace I'm in constant pain.

I have never heard of such a thing in all my life.

By Marg on Tuesday, October 4, 2005 - 10:46 am:

Karen, I've always been double jointed in my hands and arms and he said that didn't help with my extended use of my hands.

By Karen~moderator on Tuesday, October 4, 2005 - 11:17 am:

Marg, I've had a whole-body bone scan, and just recently had more Xrays and an MRI - I've got arthritis in my hands, hips, neck and lower back - also have that degenerative disk disease thing going on mostly from age, but partly due to accidents/ruptures, etc.. I am under a doctor's care. The fact that I work with my hands doesn't help, but oh well.... I have to work.

I *think* the thumb joint replacement is relatively new, maybe by the time I actually *might* consider it, it will be perfected.

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