Braxton Hicks Question...
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive September 2005:
Braxton Hicks Question...
Just wondering what these feel like? I never had them with DD. I had a real contractions (nothing major) 2 weeks prior. I had to do a little breathing, but they were not too painful. Lately, it feels like the baby pushes my stomach out and it's very uncomfortable. My stomach only feels tight right where the baby is lying and pushing out. So, I don't think that was one... Having said that, my back has been kind of sore. It feels sort of mentrual crampish to me. (it's even making my tailbone a little sore) Just now, my stomach did feel tight all over and I could feel it around in my back. It wasn't terrible and I didn't feel the need to breathe or anything, it was just enough to make me wonder if this was a Braxton Hicks contraction. My stomach did also feel tight all around. There was no pressure or anything....Hmmmm...I guess I'll go lie down and have some water and see if I get another one.
Probably is one. When are you due? Your first labor you had contractions prior, those too were braxton hicks, the label just means early contractions, they work on getting your body ready, sometimes they are stronger than others.
hmmmmmm sounds like one, but since you didn't have those (or at least none that felt like those) with Syd, if it were me, I'd call the doc just to be on the safe side. I went into early labor with Jeff, was on meds to stop it, then went back into early labor and they kept telling me it was Braxton Hicks all the way up till my water broke 3 days later. Better safe....
Thank you, I'm feeling better. I just drank some water. I read that they can be brought on by dehydration. I haven't gotten any more, so I'm feeling like everything is ok. I was just wondering if that's what it was. It can make you feel a little nervous. Thanks for the support.
BTW-I'm due Dec. 10th.
Wow, that due date is creeping up! What did you decide to do about a possible c-section? Hope you continue to feel better!
LOL, Kate--tell me about it! Would you tell my DH, so he can get moving on putting the crib together?? No decisions have been made on the surgery. Still waiting for some sign from above that it's the right choice. Although, today I was doing some reading online about broken tailbones from delvery and there were comments from mothers who had experienced the same thing. After reading over and over about how 15 months later, they are still in pain and how awful it does make me lean towards a c-section.
I had a lot of Braxton-Hicks contractions. They seemed to be worse when I was up walking around!