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Need some help those who believe in spirits or ???? long

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive September 2005: Need some help those who believe in spirits or ???? long
By Shann on Friday, September 23, 2005 - 09:04 pm:

This may be a strange request.and I don't know what to think of this or if it just us a few days ago Dh and I had went to bed and As I was laying down I noticed or thought I noticed dd standing at the frig our bedroom is off the kitchen. I asked her what she was doing and a few seconds later it was gone and the only thing I really seen was a white gown. I freaked out ask dh did you see that and he said yeah do you. I then shut the door and was scared to death. Well Dh begins to tell me that when he wakes up at night he notices what he thinks is the kids standing in that same spot when he gets up to see whats going on its gone but he says he always notices the gown. Well I thought we were just seeing things. but the last few nights weird things have been happening. Wednesday night oldest dd wakes up and is yelling for dad so we run in and she is white as a sheet sceaming she can hear people talking and noises so dh goes outside checks it all out and nothing so I slept the rest of the night with her although I didn't hear voices but there was constant little noises. about a year ago my brother spent the night in her room and he tells me today that when he spent the night he couldn't sleep all night because of constant noises but just brushed them off because of sleeping in a different place now dd wont sleep in her room unless dh or I sleep with her. Well last night about 12 dd youngest wakes up crying coming down the hall. Her eyes are red red and she has blue eyes and you couldn't tell what color they were other than red. Dh askes whats the matter and dd continues to say she cant do it she cant do it. Dh was on the couch fixing the mouse to the computer and she comes to the couch grabs his army knife and black tape and heads back to her room. I stopped her and she said that she couln't do it. I think she kinda realized what she was doing and I took her back to bed and layed with her awhile and she feel back to sleep no problem. Okay by this time I am getting scared thinking what in the heck is going on. I keep thinking its just us. Well Dh wakes me up at 4 this morning shaking me to look in the kitchen and I really didn't notice anything at first but he shaking me and pointing and the only thing I could see was something like a white gown but it was just seconds of seeing it and it was gone. then as I feel back to sleep I thought I heard dds talking in the kitchen trying to couch each other in coming in our room and I could hear there voices as I get up to talk to them no one is there and the girls are in there bed asleep. This morning dh and I are talking about him waking me up last night and he cant remember a thing. I am not scared that easy but over the last few days I am starting to get a little. I dont know what to believe or if I should believe. I called a few local churches to see what they thought or if they could just come out and bless our home or something but the ones I called wouldn't because we weren't members or they thougth I had totally lost my mind. Do any of you have any suggestions or anything or has anyone ever delt with something like this. or am I just going crazy I do know the house was built in the early 50's and we are the 3rd owner and there have been 15 children that have grew up in the house.

By Crystal915 on Friday, September 23, 2005 - 09:30 pm:

Hmmm... sounds scary!! Bea has a ghost in her house, although I think it's a docile spirit. I'm not a religous person, but I do believe in spirits, DH and I have both had encounters. All I can say is you can "confront" whatever is there, and let them know you want them to leave you alone. I'm sure someone here has some better advice, good luck!

By Coopaveryben on Friday, September 23, 2005 - 11:43 pm:

We had one in our house when I was in high school. I was into fortune tellers at the time and I went to one and he asked if I had a Quigi board in the house, I did and he said to get it out, it is like doorway to spirits. I got it out of the house (my parents had no idea it was there) and I have never seen or felt anything since.

Our pastor is a big believer in things like this (too bad you don't live close) he used to be involved in the occult and has seen many things first hand. I want you to know I am not part of a "Hokey" religion we are Missouri synod Lutheran's. He suggested it and I do it at our home all the time, just to pray for protection for your home, walk the rooms and pray that God keep the evil away from your property and post his angels as gaurds around the outside and inside and around your family members. Sometimes things like this can be attatched to an object pray that God reveal that object to you so that you can remove it from your house. I believe we can do things to draw them, drug use, fighting, heavy drinking, etc.

I feel like I sound like a nutcase but I know what I have seen and what I have felt and it is very real.

By Bea on Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 12:08 am:

Shannon please email me. BVDS 1 @ verizon. net (no spaces)

By Missmudd on Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 12:27 am:

leave the quiji board alone. Not all spirits that respond are actually benevelent and you are inviting them into your space. The suggestion of going through your house, letting them know you want them to leave, and praying are all good suggestions.

By Conni on Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 02:21 pm:

I soooo wish I wouldnt have read this post last night. I was home alone with the kids and we rented 'The Ring' and I was too chicken to watch it after this post. LOL!! I made my 11 yo sleep with me. He told me I was being a big sissy. ha

I totally agree with praying a hedge of protection around your home and your family!!

By Mommmie on Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 02:54 pm:

Well, they don't sound like evil spirits so that's a plus. I wonder if just asking them to leave would be enough. They probably have no idea how freaky it is to be visited by spirits, even friendly children spirits who sound like they are playing hide and seek with you.

I would stay away from Quiji boards.

By Wandilu on Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 07:33 pm:

Shannon,I would definately get rid of the qu.board,too.I also am not a 'hokey'religion,and I agree with Crissy(coopaveryben).As I pray for the protection of my home and my loved ones,I say "I plead the Blood of Jesus over..."I also believe in anointing with oil.I'm only home for a few minutes,or I would look up the scriptures that pertains to doing this.Sometimes,I leave open bibles in the room,and/or christian music playing.

By Shann on Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 09:22 pm:

Wandilu we don't own a qu. board. I am so afraid of them I wouldn't let one in my home. last night all seemed well I slept with dd in her room and the only thing I could say happened it felt as if something rubbed my leg and touched my toes. as long as they are friendly I am okay. and they don't bother my kids I will be even better.
Thank you all for your help and Thank you Bea.

By Cocoabutter on Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 04:04 am:

Well, I got big fat goose bumps from head to toe reading that.

I hope you get in touch with Bea.

good luck!

By Mrsheidi on Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 09:57 am:

Y'all are giving me goose bumps too!
I woke up last night, thinking there was a gigantic spider coming down from our drapes. I must have been half dreaming and scared the bejesus out of my DH. I apparently screamed something, pointed up at it as I shot up from the bed, and then went back to sleep.

Maybe you can simply ask the spirits to leave? I wonder if a big note in the kitchen would help too? I wonder if they can read? LOL :)
I would be freaked out...definitely...keep us up to date...I want to know if they are still visiting you guys. I'm so sorry they are scaring the kids though. :(

By Jackie on Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 10:27 am:

I dont have any firsthand experience with this. But with that said, I truely believe this can happen. I have had a couple of friends share their stories of spirits/ghosts in their house, and funny/odd happenings. Also I like to watch Sylvia Brown on the Montel show. Shes normally is on Wednesdays on the Montel show. People ask her these type of questions all the time. It is spooky,and Im just so glad I have not experienced any of this.

By Cybermommyx4 on Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 12:51 pm:

That spider-thing has happened to me several times in the past. You *think* you are awake and what you are seeing is real, but you're half asleep. DH laughs at me when it happens, but I am TERRIFIED of spiders, so that is what I see when I am having one of those waking nightmares. Are you afraid of spiders when you are awake?

By Monicamomof3 on Monday, September 26, 2005 - 01:31 pm:

Shannon- is everything going ok? Please keep us posted.

By Mrsheidi on Tuesday, September 27, 2005 - 02:13 pm:

Wendy, I'm SO petrified of spiders...the other night, there was one crawling across my basement floor and I about had a heart attack! Why do they choose to come out of hiding when my DH is at work? LOL :)

By Nanaoie on Tuesday, September 27, 2005 - 06:42 pm:

I have awakened my husband from a sound sleep to kill a tiny tiny spider in the other part of the house.If I had a gun I would have shot a hole in the wall.I AM THAT SCARED!

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