HBP after giving birth?
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HBP after giving birth?
By Jazzimom on Thursday, September 22, 2005 - 11:34 am: | Hey Ladies, Hope all is well! I went to the dr yesterday and my BP is still high, after given birth 6 wks ago. My dr told me that some women experience postpartum HBP. She wants to put me on meds, for a few weeks, but the prescription says "don't take while nursing". Did any of you experience this during postpartum? If so when did your BP decrease?
By Shann on Thursday, September 22, 2005 - 01:22 pm: | I did with both of mine and it took almost a year for mine to go back to normal but after a few years I was put back on them. but I had preeclampsia and other problems with my last that I think thats why I have to take them everyday now
By Missmudd on Thursday, September 22, 2005 - 03:34 pm: | Did your dr know that you are nursing, what did he say? Some medications are "do not take while nursing" but the risk isnt very high to baby, others are absolutely no. I kind of think that the hbp meds would be an absolutely no while nursing. I would definately clarify the risk/benifit with your doc and make sure they know you are nursing. Maybe there is another method for lowering your bp that will not be detrimental to baby.
By Kolbysmom on Thursday, September 22, 2005 - 04:09 pm: | It took mine a couple of months to go back to normal. I also had pre-eclampsia.
By Angellew on Thursday, September 22, 2005 - 04:22 pm: | I had LOW BP all my life and all through my pregnancy. After the birth, they came in and scared the heck out of me, telling me to get into bed immediately and lay on my side to try and bring it down. I have been on meds now for three and a half years!!!! You have to remind the doctor that you are nursing. There are so many different meds that you can be put on that will have no effect on nursing.
By Jazzimom on Thursday, September 22, 2005 - 05:43 pm: | Thanks for the advise Ladies.. I actually called the peditrician and she said that the meds that were prescribed its ok for me to continue to nurse.. But I am still concerned about it.. Why would it be notated on the meds if it was ok. I am so confused!!!
By Missmudd on Thursday, September 22, 2005 - 06:08 pm: | Sometimes the risk is very very small and the benefit is really really large. The drug companies still have to say something to cover their rear ends. Almost every medication states not to take during pregnancy or nursing. Say that the medication had a 1 in 100,000 chance of being detrimental to your baby, but you had a 1-100 chance of having a stroke because your bp isnt under control. (I made these numbers up) The benefit outweighs the risk (which I know may not make you feel any better) Also you are only at this point going to take the meds for a short distance in time. I think that you should be ok since your ped said it was ok.
By Jazzimom on Monday, September 26, 2005 - 12:44 am: | You are right! Thanks for the positive feed back.. I have been taking the meds for the last 3 days and my BP is already starting to decrease.