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What do you think should happen?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive September 2005: What do you think should happen?
By Mrsheidi on Friday, September 16, 2005 - 05:33 pm:

Scott and I ordered a convertible crib with mattress and toddler rails in Feb 2004. The crib and mattress came in before we had Connor but the toddler rails did not.
We bought it from a very trustworthy and hardworking mother herself, who owns a nice baby store in Madison, AL. I know that the delay in the rails is not her fault, yet we have moved since then.
The company says "We finally have them in stock" and by now, she doesn't order from them anymore. So, in essence, she would have to pay $200 to have them shipped to her place since they refuse to ship directly here. Then, she would have to ship them here herself. They are fairly expensive cherrywood toddler rails which, we don't know how much they would cost individually since we bought them all together.
So, if we were to ask for a refund, how much should we ask? (The crib was about $600)
I still have to talk with her, as we have been playing message tag, but I'm just upset that I would have to suffer because that company was on backorder. I wish she would take more of a stand to them...I can see why she doesn't order from them anymore...
Will we even need these rails? I just don't know... :(

By Reds9298 on Friday, September 16, 2005 - 05:55 pm:

We have a similar crib and I would think you would need the rails eventually at least. Ours converts into a toddler bed, then into a full. We only need the rails for a full conversion. Our crib with toddler rail was about $400 and the rails were priced and ordered separately for $90 (I don't remember if they are wood though, but they are in the attic right now!)

By Feona on Friday, September 16, 2005 - 05:56 pm:

I got a crib for $300.

So I guess I would want $300 back. 1/2 for the crib and 1/2 for the toddler bed.

By Vicki on Friday, September 16, 2005 - 05:56 pm:

I guess what I don't understand is if they were ordered in 2004, why on earth would she have to pay 200.00 for shipping them to her place. I would think that would have been paid for with the order??

By Mrsheidi on Friday, September 16, 2005 - 07:04 pm:

couldn't agree more, Vicki...maybe it was the way she ordered it...I have no idea but I'm waiting for her to call me back. Like I said, she's a diligent person and that's why I've been so patient but man...this waiting bit is not for me...
Thanks Feona and Deanna...definitely good input.

By Conni on Friday, September 16, 2005 - 07:06 pm:

Tell them you want it delivered to you directly at their expense. If they cannot do this tell them you will be sending your bed back to them for a full refund at their expense.

Say it very nicely and when they say no ask to speak to the manager of the person speaking and dont back down.

By Vicki on Friday, September 16, 2005 - 07:12 pm:

Well, if you have paid for it already, than you have every right to expect it. It sounds to me like maybe she never ordered it in the first place. It isn't your problem if she made the mistake. If you want the rails, it is up to her to get them for you. Now, since you moved, you may have to pay for her to ship them to you, but I don't understand why they won't ship them to you instead of her. That makes no sense. Actually, the whole thing seems a bit fishy to me! If you paid for them, you are entitled to them period. How she has to do it really isn't your problem. She took the order and needs to deliver on it.

By Conni on Friday, September 16, 2005 - 07:14 pm:

I would call the company directly and quit dealing with the lady that owns the store. Make a point to the company that you are a dissatisfied customer and you cant use this bed as a toddler bed without the rails you were promised. If they cant ship them now at their expense after such a long wait then you dont want their bed either...

My dh gets into this stuff. lol I am going to ask him about it when he gets home. This is just cruddy business!

By Jann on Saturday, September 17, 2005 - 06:55 am:

I am confused. You paid for a product over 18 months ago, it has never been delivered and now they want to charge you more for it?

By Feona on Saturday, September 17, 2005 - 07:40 am:

We had a problem similiar to this. Some one ordered my 700 dollar bookcases. One came perfect the other was cracked.

Sent the cracked one back. Never got the bookcase. The person who ordered it for me dropped the ball.

I didn't order it so I could not do anything. Try disputing with credit card company if it can't be resolved.

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