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Haircut question? Any hairdressers? Or others with thick hair?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive September 2005: Haircut question? Any hairdressers? Or others with thick hair?
By Beth on Sunday, September 11, 2005 - 09:54 am:

Okay may dh and I were discussing this the other day. My dd has thick curly hair. Its not the tight curls. Her hair doesn't tangle its more bouncy. She does not like barrettes or anything in her hair so I just have it cut kind of like in a bob. Amyway the debate is that dh thinks I should have her hair thinned out. Because on some days her hair can be very poofy. Winter time is the worse. I have thick hair and I have to have it thinned but I am 32 years old. I am afraid starting to thin her hair at 4 would ruin it. Just wondering if any hairdressers out there could advise me?

By Kate on Sunday, September 11, 2005 - 10:40 am:

My daughter and I have very thick hair, and I finally gave in to layering my own hair which helps greatly with the weight of it and for the first time EVER I can go without a big barrette holding the entire front back. My daughter just has to deal with a ponytail holder. Barrettes aren't really strong enough for her hair and she isn't quite ready for the large, four inch adult barrettes (her hair grows thicker each day, but there's still not enough for that particular style barrette, and the kid ones are downright laughable in how LITTLE they hold). Her front hair is parted on the side and pulled off to the side. At four I wouldn't thin it....I'm not a fan of thinning hair ANYway, as you can never ever thin the SAME hairs at each cut, so eventually you're going to have all your hairs at different lengths and run into trouble.

Good luck!

By Mrsheidi on Sunday, September 11, 2005 - 11:15 am:

I would talk to your hairdresser about it. There are ways to thin it out by doing a specific cut.

There is also this stuff I use called "Aquage Straightening Gel" that lasts (I use it every day) for 4 months. I have thick hair and it makes it more manageable and less clumpy.

By Trina~moderator on Sunday, September 11, 2005 - 11:29 am:

I agree. Talk with your hairdresser. My best friend is a hairstylist and her DD (7) has long, thick, naturally curly hair. She cuts it in long layers.

By Crystal915 on Sunday, September 11, 2005 - 11:37 am:

I would get it thinned with thinning shears, it can make a world of difference. Of course, talk to your hairdresser, and see what she thinks is best.

By Coopaveryben on Sunday, September 11, 2005 - 02:16 pm:

From my personal experience, I have wavy REALLY thick hair and when I have it thinned and as it starts to grow I have hair sticking out all over the place. I don't see how thinning it could hurt her hair but you may consider trying some of the smoothing gels first. I personally did not like the pomaide(I'm not certain I spelled that righta), it made my hair look greasy after about an hour. But there is some great frizz ease gels and sprays that work wonders.

By Crystal915 on Sunday, September 11, 2005 - 02:46 pm:

You can try a wax, just work a very little dab between your palms and through her hair.

By My2girlygirls on Sunday, September 11, 2005 - 07:14 pm:

I am a hairdresser. Taking off some of the "bulk" will help. You certainly can do long layers but not short, that will just make it "fluffier" Just taking off some of the weight will allow the curl to come out without the extra frizz. Paired with some good anti- frizz products and it should be great. Since she is only 4 I would not too too much layering though. A leave in conditioner will also really help if you don't want to thin it.

By Christylee on Sunday, September 11, 2005 - 07:39 pm:

I have thick hair and I have to have my hair in layers or it's just poofy and flyaway... I've gotten my hair thinned with the thinning scissors for as long as I can remember. It's always so cool how light your head feels after it.

By Sue3 on Sunday, September 11, 2005 - 09:39 pm:

I am a hair dresser also.
I have a salon in my home.
I agree with Sarah too . Not to much layering or it will get a lot of volume,which you don`t want.
My 10 year old dd has hair just like your dd and it has been a constant battle.
Maybe some slight layering on the bottom,we call them long layers and then thin it out.
I usually take the very top section of hair ,I go about an inch from the middle part and go all around that ( do you know what I mean)?The top layer of hair.So this part doesn`t get thinned.
I clip that on top of her head then take 1 inch
sections over the rest of her hair and thin that.
It has helped a lot !
Good luck and I`m sure a good hair dresser can help you out.
I have really thick hair too and have always gotten it thinned.
A good detagler works well too after it is thinned or other kinds of smoothing products.

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