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Did you ever wonder?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive September 2005: Did you ever wonder?
By Cat on Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 07:45 pm:

Did you ever think you were supposed to have more children? Lately I've been wondering. Was I supposed to have at least one more? I'm not talking baby fever--I don't think anyway. I don't think I could carry another baby (I have a pretty bad prolapse). One of our local TV stations has something called "Wednesday's Child" where they feature a child in the foster care system each week. I checked out the website and there are SO many kids that need homes! I'd love to open my home to one of these kids. Dh doesn't want any more, though. I know, mine are getting old enough now that they are fairly self sufficient and we can actually leave them for a couple hours at a time. It is nice to have some freedom, finally. I just don't know though. I could give a hundred reasons NOT to adopt a child, but in my heart I just wonder. I guess I'm just rambling--thinking outloud (or typing). Thanx for listening.

By Marcia on Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 08:55 pm:

If I had room in my home, I could bring another child home in a second! We are already overcrowded with 7 of us, but if we had money and a bigger home, I'd do it in a second!

My parents adopted one of my brothers through Today's Child in the Toronto Star, and just went back to the same agency for my next brother.
We adopted our youngest from something called the Adoption Resource Exchange, where they profile a couple hundred waiting kids in Ontario. They do it twice a year.
There are SO many kids looking for forever families!

By Cat on Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 09:09 pm:

Marcia, I was hoping you'd see this. I actually found a child I'd love to take in for her "forever family." (I love that!) She is a special needs child (most of them are) but I think if I can handle Robin, I can handle anything. :) I've left it in God's hands. If He wants this to happen, He'll make it happen. Dh has already said he doesn't want to do it. We'll see what happens. We DO have the room and the money. I would want to quit daycare, but we'd still be okay money-wise. Dh makes enough to cover all our expenses. He just likes me to work for extra stuff (his toys! lol). *sigh* Like I said. We'll see. :)

By Crystal915 on Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 09:35 pm:

Cat, I'm at a totally different point in my life, but I've always said that once my biological children are older and I'm done having kids I'd like to foster/adopt some children. I just figure I've been blessed to have my kids, and to be able to give them love and nurturing, so why not share that with a child who hasn't been so blessed? I hope things work out the way you want them, keep us updated!

By Marcia on Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 10:37 pm:

A couple of days before we went to ARE, we weren't even thinking about going there to find our child. We went at the last minute, found her picture, fell in love, and 6 weeks later she came home to us. We knew what kinds of needs we could deal with, and out of about 200 kids, only put our names in for her. It was really meant to be.
If you're really thinking of going ahead, you should find a social worker. You will have to have a homestudy done, and that takes months.
Good luck with whatever you decide!

By Conni on Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 10:42 pm:

I wont say that adopting a girl hasnt crossed my mind... My dh would never go for it. But my boys would love to have a little sister to baby. :)

Blake asks for another baby all the time. But thats because he cant stand to be called the baby of the family. rofl... He figured out how to solve that- Mom can have another baby. ;)

Good luck with whatever you choose to do!! I'll be thinking of you.

By Cat on Monday, September 5, 2005 - 06:03 pm:

Crystal, I hope you get the chance to foster or adopt some day. You guys will be the first to know (besides my mom!) if something comes of this. :)

Marcia, I can't move forward with anything until I get dh on board. He doesn't want to be tied down with another child. Like I said, I've left it in God's hands. I'm still working on dh--little things here and there. I showed him the little girl's picture this afternoon and he agreed she is a cutie. :)

Connie, my boys would love a little sister, too. Robin's actually been asking for one for about 8 years now! lol Randy wouldn't have made a good big brother when he was real little (like until about 4 or 5) because HE was busy being the baby! You should have seen him back then when I'd pick up another small child. He was SO jealous! lol Not anymore though. He'd love having a little sister OR brother. Robin wants a girl, though. I'd love a girl, but I'd be okay with a boy, too. Thanx for the thoughts. :)

By Kaye on Monday, September 5, 2005 - 10:46 pm:

Cat I am right there with you. I know that I do not need to HAVE any more children, but I also know that I am meant to have more. We are praying and considering our options. At this point I figure that I want a dx for my youngest, my masters, and then lets see what happens. We are starting the ball rolling with the little guy via the school, I started taking my masters prereqs this fall, if the world spins like I want it to, I will have my masters in 3 years. Then my kids will be 14, 12 and 10 and we may just go find us another!

By Bobbie~moderatr on Monday, September 5, 2005 - 11:44 pm:

We are planning to foster/adopt. DH was a foster for four years. I plan to give back. We are just waiting for on of two things a bigger house (7 in the house now) or the older kids to move on to their adult lives (DD is a junior and DS is in the 8th so that may happen a lot faster than the bigger house, *sigh*) But either way that is the plan, one of the benefits of being a young parent, I have plenty of years to give a "forever family" to more children. And my kids are all for it... My oldest says I was meant to be a mom and she couldn't imagine me with out a house full. LOL Neither can I, honestly...

By Cat on Tuesday, September 6, 2005 - 09:46 am:

Kaye, I've been praying about it, too. I know if this is going to happen it will have to be a God thing. Especially the way dh feels. He really doesn't want another child at this point. I know only God can change his heart.

Bobbie, I think it's great you want to give back. I can also relate to what your dd said--about being meant to be a mom. I LOVE kids!!! When dh and I got married he wanted four and I was the one that only wanted two. After two he decided he didn't want more, although I did. It was the right decision to stop at the time though. It's been almost five years since dh had the big "V". Even as we drove to the clinic to have it done I told him "I guess if we want more in the future we can always adopt."

I probably could have another child of my own. Dh could get the v reversed. But, I don't want to risk my health (I have two other child to think about) and there are plenty of kids out there that need homes. I'm not talking about newborns. I talking about toddlers and older kids that are past that age that most people want. Yes, this little girl has medical issues. I really believe we can handle them. Otherwise I wouldn't even consider this. Thank you all for listening to me "think out loud" here. Dh isn't ready to hear most of this. I am bouncing things off him, but trying very hard not to be pushy. Right now I'm just trying to plant the thought in his head and I'll let God work on him. Like Bobbie, I can't imagine an empty house.

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