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Another donation type of post..

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive August 2005: Another donation type of post..
By Jackie on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 - 02:57 pm:

This isnt pertaining the the hurricaine donations. How do you all feel about people asking for donations in front of stores. Im not talking about the Salvation Army ringing their bell at the holidays, or about DAV, who you may see set up in front of the stores? Im talking about groups asking for donations from organizations Ive never heard of. Last night I was at Kmart, there was a table set up, and a hand written sign saying "Stop Domestic Violence".Now, dont get me wrong, Im all for victims getting help and all that stuff. But, how do I know this man who hand wrote the sign, is from a legitimate organization? Or alot of times I see, handwritten signs for donations for basketball teams or baseball teams for kids. These people have tables set up outside Walmart as well. They will have 3 kids run up to you when you come out asking you donate to their team so they could go somewhere(out of state). Im sorry I do not donate to these sort of things. Yes,you see the Boyscouts(my son is a boyscout)and the girlscouts(My daughter is a girlscout)with tables set up. But, these organizations have been around forever, same as DAV, and Salvation Army. I just dont like these people who set up tables with hand written signs and expect you to donate. How do I know where the money is going?Maybe its just the untrusting in me. Im just particular who I gave my money too.

By Mrsheidi on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 - 03:59 pm:

My mom was homeless for quite sometime and, before that, we took some homeless in.
With that experience, I could write a novel about donating money, etc. However, it IS difficult to donate when you feel it's not legit. I wouldn't feel bad.
This is a little off subject, but when the homeless say they need money for a bus ticket...well, 99.99% of them would have had enough $ for a bus ticket by then. The homeless would get angry when we would offer a place to stay or work to do. They (and this only goes for most) just want $ to stay alive in the streets. Whether it be for drugs or alcohol, or just to live in a state of paranoia and survive, like my mom. If they wanted to be with family, they would have done it by then.
But, again, Jackie...I wouldn't feel bad. If you wanted to donate to "Stop Domestic Violence", you can find the means to do so without dumping your change into someone's hand that you don't trust.

By Missbookworm on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 - 04:15 pm:

I wouldn't feel bad jackie. I won't do it either. I see people in my neighbourhood with cans for organizations all the time...some of them for abuse organizations I KNOW exist. I still feel leary about handing money to those people on the street. I think if you see people asking for money like that and you want to give money to them ask them for contact information within the office or wherever and check into it more and go down there and see the place etc. and make sure it's a true place and that they've been in business and are legit and give money that way. That's what I do with our "stop violence against women" organizations here. It's more work but at least you can feel confident your money is "hopefully" making it to the right place. :)

By Crystal915 on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 - 05:59 pm:

It's just a higher level of panhandling. On that note, there was a "homeless" man on the street corner next to my work in FL. I used to close at 3am, and see him and his friend counting their money in the parking lot of the gas station across the street. Some days he would be in a wheelchair, others not, sometimes he was a "Vietnam Vet", others he was looking for a bus ticket. Total scam, and it bugged the crap out of me that he asked me for money every day. A radio station did a little secret experiment and set up shop on a corner for a day, and made something like $800 cash, plus a few hundred in other gifts, and food.

By Ginny~moderator on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 - 07:01 pm:

Here's what I do (because I worked for a non-profit agency for several years and know the rules a bit). First, I ask for printed literature. No printed literature, no donation. Then, I say, OK, I'll take your literature and I'll check you out on the web, and then decide whether to make a donation. If they say, no, please make your donation now - no donation.

I tend to give to organizations I know, which have a history. If you want to support a program against domestic violence, for example, there are county agencies, Women Against Abuse, and a host of others you can check out on the web. Almost the only time I "give" to someone in front of a store is the Salvation Army, the Red Cross, and Girl Scout cookies.

I have occasionally given to a homeless person, but what I did was say OK, I'll buy you something to eat - at McDonalds, or the vendor on the street. When I worked in downtown Philadelphia, I used to carry McDonald's coupons for just that reason, but mostly my money for homeless people went to agencies I knew worked with homeless people - especially those working with homeless women with children.

There are a multitude of scams, and right now, with the Katrina disaster, they will be on the stret, on the net, and everywhere. Give to the Red Cross 2005 Hurricane Relief, give to the Salvation Army's hurricane relief, and if you attend a worship service this weekend, your church or synagogue or mosque will almost certainly be doing a special collection for this purpose.

Not only is it your money - and most of us don't have money to throw away - but if you give to some scam, you have less mone to give to a legitimate organization and are less likely to give in general. There isn't a legitimate agency out there that can't wait for you to check them out before you make a donation - if they can't wait it is almost certainly a scam.

By Ginny~moderator on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 - 07:02 pm:

By the way, what's DAV? That's a new one for me.

By Jann on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 - 07:09 pm:

I would have wondered if it was a scam too. We have lots of 'homeless' begging on street corners here. My church does a neat thing. They have ziplock bags filled with a bottle of water, pair of socks, couple of granola bars/breakfast bars, fruit and a card with the address to our church and local shelter. Anyone can pick these up whenever they want. I usually keep 3 or 4 in my car at a time. When I come across someone begging on the corner, I give them one of these instead of money. If they are truly in need, they are usually grateful.

By Jewlz on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 - 07:15 pm:

Disabled american veterans
I agree with u Ginny thats the way i donate too.

By Jackie on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 - 08:33 pm:

Yes DAV stands for Disabled American Veterans

By Karen~moderator on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 - 11:02 pm:

Ditto Ginny!

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