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Breaking things!

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive August 2005: Breaking things!
By Cat on Thursday, August 11, 2005 - 10:38 pm:

Tonight we had a potluck tonight for karate and there was a demo by all the kids/students. We missed half of it because I couldn't get kids our of here any earlier than 4:30 and that's what time it started. We still made it in them for the kids to do their free form with weapons so they were happy. Anyway, after that the older/more advanced students were doing demos of breaking boards and cinder blocks. They had extra boards so they asked who wanted to break them. Both my boys raised their hands (of course) and the instructor chose Robin and a few other kids. I thought we'd be making a trip to the ER for sure! lol Robin broke it first try!!! The board was about 12" square and about 1/3" thick. It was his first real board! Both the kids broke little 1/8" boards the other night at the ball game (it was karate night). I was really proud of him. I talked to the instructor after the dinner and he was saying how impressed he is with Robin's skills (the kids were all doing flips and kicks and stuff--just goofing off, but practicing at the same time). He said one of Robin's major advantages is he has no fear. I'm not sure if he didn't pick Randy because he didn't feel he was ready or what, but he'll get his turn soon. I had my third class with them yesterday. It's going well and I'm not nearly as sore as I was last week! lol There is one other parent that has decided to sign up and there are a couple others thinking about it. It would be nice to not be the only adult white belt in the class! Just had to share Robin's accomplishment. It's not often we encourage our kids to break things. :)

By Pamt on Thursday, August 11, 2005 - 10:45 pm:


By Juli4 on Thursday, August 11, 2005 - 10:53 pm:

sounds cool I always did love board breaking. I was only able to break a brick once because my dad didn't want me to hurt or disfigure my hands which can happen especially after years of doing it. Sounds great. Congratulations. sounds like you all are loving it.

By Karen~moderator on Friday, August 12, 2005 - 07:30 am:

Very kewl! I must have missed something somwhere recently - or I'm getting senile and don't remember it - you are taking karate too??? WTG Cat! And WTG Robin!

By Mrsheidi on Friday, August 12, 2005 - 08:43 am:

What a confidence builder!!! ^5 Robin! And, I'm with Karen...I had no idea that you were taking karate too??
Let the breaking continue!!!

By Cat on Friday, August 12, 2005 - 04:52 pm:

Yep. I started last week. It's two nights a week, an hour each night. I thought about it for a long time before finally taking the plunge. I even told the instructor I didn't think I could keep up with the kids, but I'd like to try. He said to just do what I could. I think the average age of the kids in the class is like 10! There are some as young as 5 and some teens (most of who are black belt assistant instructors!). I'm having a good time with it, though.

Robin's still talking about the board. :) One of the other kids gave him a little knot of wood and said it came from the board he broke. We don't know if it actually did or not (there were about 20 boards broken all together) but he's treasuring that little piece of wood! He even wrote the date on it to save it. He's so cute (even if he is 11 and getting too old to say that about!). :)

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