How Long Does It Take For Dilated Pupils To Go Back Down?
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive August 2005:
How Long Does It Take For Dilated Pupils To Go Back Down?
My nine year old DD had her pupils dilated 22 hours ago and they are still enormous. Light doesn't bother her anymore (which I DON'T understand since they are still huge! Can someone explain that???) and she can read again. It's really freaking me out that she isn't back to normal yet. Any experience out there, especially with kids??
Mine are usually more dilated than most peoples, it doesn't bother me except for bright sunlight, but they are slow to react to change. I don't know about dilating drops, since mine are like that normally, but if you are concerned I would call the eye doc and ask.
I know when DS had it done with his eye exam it was well over 24 hours before they were back to normal. Maybe call and ask the Dr.
Is she blue eyed? Blue eyed peoples eyes take longer to return to normal then brown eyed people. I think I remember it isnt unusual for them to take up to 36 hours. I would give her eye doc a call tho.
Mine always take forever, AT LEAST 24 hours. Interesting, Missmudd! I am blue-eyed...I guess that explains it!
Mine always take AT LEAST 24 hours to go back to eyes are hazel.
Her eyes are blue...a gray blue.
So how are the dd eyes?
Thanks for asking, Kris. Today is the first day she's been totally normal and the appt. was on Tuesday. So it took a really long time!
My dd and I are both really reactive to the dialation drops too. I think the last time I had my eyes dialated, it was 4 days before they were normal (I was so afraid of being pulled over! LOL). My dd usually takes at least 2 days. btw..i have hazel eyes and she has brown.
And speaking of dilated pupils - does anyone else get a *weird* feeling and/or a headache when their pupils are dilated???