Children in cars...
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive August 2005:
Children in cars...
Last night me and my son were driving to the store. He said "Hey mom, look at the car next to us. The lady has a baby sitting on her lap in the front seat"... Funny, how I dont talk much about carseat safety and all, but my almost 11 yr old son is very aware of safety issues. So I look and I see he is exactly right.I would guess the baby was around 14 or 15 months old, sitting right there on moms lap in the frontseat passenger side. They had their windows rolled down. When we got to a stop light I yelled "Hey thats illegal".. and drove away. If I were to have seen a police car, I would of stopped them.But of course, no police cars when you need them.How do people place such little value on their kids life?
That would have driven my kids nuts, too! They always point out loose kids in cars, or people without bicycle helmets or motorcycle helmets.
AAAUUUUGGGHHHH!! That angers me SO very much!!!
That blows me away! There would have to be a pretty big emergency for me to have my baby in the front seat like that! BTW-My DH said if he sees something that extreme now, he calls the police. Which really surprises me, but I'm glad he does.