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What would you think about this????

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive August 2005: What would you think about this????
By Anonymous on Tuesday, August 2, 2005 - 04:29 pm:

My dd was in preschool this last year with a little girl that it was obvious her home life is a little rough around the edges. I have been in there home and it was semi clean but the little girl always looks unkept. The parents appear that they maybe a little slow or dh thinks there alcholics. Well this was the little girl that dd decided to be friends with. I have no problem with that. She invited the little girl to her b-day party and to our house one time. At the end of the school year picnic the mom approaches me and says now M is going to want to come over to K's house this summer. I thought it was a little odd the way she said but I was actually releived it put the ball in my court. I was not excited about dd going over there. I guess they thing that bothers me is how they go about it. Another time her dd called my dd while I was at work. My dh said they were inviting my dd over. When I called she informed no the girls just wanted to go to the park together. Not asking me telling me.

I have picked M up 3 times and taken her to the park. Yesterday was actually the third time. It has went okay it was very hot so we actually did the splash pad there. It costs a small fee. Today I noticed she had called and I called her back because she had asked me about going to registration with me this week. Actually it was more like another instance where she was telling me. Anyway she goes on to say," I just wanted to find out how the park went yesterday." Her tone was rather sarcastic. I told her fine but was there something I should no about it. She claimed that her daughter just did not tell her much and she wanted to know. But the whole time she sounded very edgy. Then she percedes to go on and say " Do you want your dollar back?" Again very sarcastic. I told her of course not.

This just really bothered me. I felt like she was trying to set me up for something the way she asked how the park went. It also angers me because I am the one making sure that these two girls get to see each other and I sure have better things to do with my time. Luckily she has found other arrangements for registration. She didn't like the day and time I was going. Dh said of course just to let it go and not make any more plans with them. I just feel bad for dd and the little girl. But I am going to worry about this for awhile to just exactly what had her riled up. The only thing I can think of is I had said we were going to the park. It was ninety degrees so we went to the splash pad on the same grounds. She was not there when I picked her up grandma was. Surely this did not tick her off. I am going anyom to protect the privacy.

By Vicki on Tuesday, August 2, 2005 - 05:26 pm:

I think that your first 3 sentences say it all. If the parents are "slow" or alcoholics or something like that, you can't expect them to act in the same fashion that you would. They are going to act different because they are. I would not make this about the parents. Does your dd and this little girl get along well? Do they have a good time together? Do you enjoy taking a little friend places for your dd to play with? If the answers to these questions are yes, than I would keep doing what your doing and just write their unusual behavior off. If the answers to those questions is no, than stop inviting her places.

"Another time her dd called my dd while I was at work. My dh said they were inviting my dd over. When I called she informed no the girls just wanted to go to the park together. Not asking me telling me."

This is going to happen when you have preschool aged kids talking on the phone and making plans. Did your dh actually talk to the mom or dad on the phone or was he going by what your dd said? Have you ever listened to kids talk on the phone?? They don't know what they are saying half the time let alone getting right what the other person is saying. LOL Never take anything that a little one says as fact...always ask to talk to a parent!! LOL

By Breann on Tuesday, August 2, 2005 - 08:38 pm:

I would try to cut this off before it goes to far. It's so hard with little kids involved though. They just don't undertand. My dd has picked a few friends that I would prefer she not associate with.
I just tell her that they can play at our house, but I won't let her go play at the friends house. Mean mommy? Maybe.

Just trust your instincts. It sounds like there is something there that I would try to distance myself from.

By Mrsheidi on Tuesday, August 2, 2005 - 10:58 pm:

Ditto Breann

By Karen~moderator on Wednesday, August 3, 2005 - 07:42 am:

Ditto Breann

By Mommmie on Wednesday, August 3, 2005 - 12:41 pm:

Ditto Breann, too! Cut it off. It's not worth it.

By Kim on Wednesday, August 3, 2005 - 03:53 pm:

Could her daughter have taken something you said about the cost and mixed it up in a kid kinda way when she repeated it to her Mom? Just a thought. Its hard when you don't like the parents of your kids' friends.

By Amy~moderator on Wednesday, August 3, 2005 - 04:43 pm:

Definitely agree with Breann here too - cut it off, it's definitely not worth it. There are lots of other kids she could become friends with...good luck and don't beat yourself up over it.

By Shann on Thursday, August 4, 2005 - 10:38 pm:

I really dont think I would tell your daughter to cut the realtionship of. to me that is kinda cruel. imop. I would make arrangements that fit you and your daughter but maybe your daughters friend has a rough home life if her parents are slow or alcholics that she looks forward to being with your daughter and put yourself in this young girls shoes. when your daughter comes up and tells her that she can no longer be friends with her because my mom says I can't that would definetly cause some kind of trama in this young girls life. but thats imop

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