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Do you feed the neighborhood?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive August 2005: Do you feed the neighborhood?
By Debbie on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 09:30 am:

It seems like I have the entire neighborhood at my house these days. I usually have 3-5 dks here(plus my 2 ds) at least part of every day. I don't mind having them here. The weather has been nice so usually they play in the backyard. But, it seems like I am providing drinks to all of them every day. One boy in paticular is constantly asking for something to drink and he always wants gatorade(which is expensive). Last night dh and I just had it, so I told my ds's that I would keep a big container of water in the fridge and they could take it outside when everyone wanting something to drink. Dh thinks I should just send them home when they are thirsty, especially when they are all outside(they all live within a few houses of us). So, I am thinking of doing this too. So, what do you do? Do you provide stuff all the time? I don't mind giving out snacks/drinks if it is a playdate. But, this is an everyday thing were all the dks seem to be ending up at my house. It is starting to get expensive. I have not been feeding them(maybe an occasional popsicle), but the juice and gatorade seems to be flying out the door as fast as I buy it.

By Kaye on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 09:42 am:

I bought one of those coolers with the push button. I fill it up with water and stick it in the backyard (or front) when they are playing. It does cost me cups, (i also have a trashcan by it), but it is well worth it, if they are thirsty they can drink, they don't like water, not my problem. On occasion I will make up some koolaid, but always cheap. I wouldn't mind if someone sent my kid home for a drink, but I would think it was odd. My kids wouldn't be so demanding, but we are water drinkers, sure they would drink gatorade if asked, but would be fine with anything. With it being as hot as it is this summer they need to be drinking, all of them.

By Vicki on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 10:08 am:

It seems my house gets to be the gathering place too. We have a small fridge in the garage with a freezer on top. The kids just get in there for popsicles or drinks. I usually buy the cheaper juice bags or even those little hugs drink things that you can buy 50 for a few bucks. LOL There are also the small bottles of water. I would never put expensive things like gaterade in there! Better (more expensive) drinks and ice cream treats are in the house!! I actually like the kids being at my house. I like keeping an eye (and ear) on what is going on!!

By Happynerdmom on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 10:12 am:

As Kaye said, I would provide water, but that's all. I've had this problem before, with kids saying, "I'm hungry, I want a snack," etc. I just say, "I'm sorry, it's not snack time here, you'll have to go home to get a snack." Like you, I don't mind providing a snack when I want to, it just *really* bugs me when kids are so forward about it. If my kids are doing that at someone else's house, I would sure hope they would send them home! (I'm talking about asking for anything besides a glass of water, which I feel is reasonable.) BTW, I had to tell my own kids what I expect, too, because many times it would be my kids offering things..."We have gatorade, do you want some?"

By Feona on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 10:52 am:

I think the water is a good idea. Gatorade is like 10 times worse than soda for your teeth that soda anyway. It is a good habit to get into drinking pure water anyway.

By Bea on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 10:54 am:

They have small fountains that attach to your hose connection outside. I'd buy one and let them drink water without bothering you for glasses.

By Karen~moderator on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 11:09 am:

BTDT, Debbie! The cooler of water is a good idea. When my kids were young and playing with what seemed like ALL of the neighborhood kids, we went through the same thing. Sometimes I would give them all freezie pops, other times not. The thing was, all of us moms were friendly, and we discussed it, and agreed that the kids would go home for their snacks, drinks, treats, etc. Occasionally, each of us would give all the kids something, but since we were all in agreement, it was no problem for the kids to each go to their own house. It pretty much worked this way - when one of the kids would get hungry or thirsty and go inside to get something, most of the others would go home and do the same. Do you have any type of relationship with your neighbors? It's probably a good idea to discuss it with them, and if they are fair, they will agree that each child should go home for their drinks/snacks.

Otherwise, I'd just leave some water out for them, and if your boys want something other than water, you can tell them that they are to tell the other kids they are going in for a snack, and will be back out to play when they are done. It DOES get expensive, and certainly other parents must realize that too.

By Debbie on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 12:43 pm:

Good idea about the cooler, Kaye. I have one and I am going to use that. If they don't want water, then they will just have to go home and get something. During the day, it isn't so bad I usually have a few at a time. But, after dinner, it is a free for all around here. I think mainly because my dh is out with them. He plays baseball with them and basketball. He is the only dad that is outside and willing to play with them. Karen. I think one of the reasons I have them is because the other Mom's don't want them all at their house. I really don't mind, I just can't afford to supply them with food and drinks all the time. The food isn't really an issue. I just tell them it isn't snack time and that they have to go home for that. That has never been an issue, it is just all the drinks. When you have 10 kids at your house every night, it gets expensive, no matter what you buy.

By Mommmie on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 01:01 pm:

I have had this problem too. I buy the cheap popsicles (250 for $7 at Sams) and they can have as many of them as they want. Walgreens and CVS have 24 for $1 right now, since summer is about over. I go through about 500+ a summer. Otherwise I only give water unless I just happen to have something for them, like an extra bundle of grapes. I hide my Cokes (which are not for kids, but they will help themselves).

In the past I fed kids a lot and every day. I had kids arriving at my door Sunday morning wanting bacon and eggs and I made it for them. My mother always fed neighborhood kids including ones that came over school mornings for breakfast before school. But it gets so dang expensive and the other families never fed my child, so I don't do it that much anymore. Also, I curtailed the whole Grand Central Station aspect of my house by not letting my son play with some of the kids anymore. I was getting taken advantage of and some of these kids were not kids my son would be playing with except for the fact they lived across the street. Our house is much calmer now.

By Kate on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 09:54 pm:

The cooler is a great idea! Tell me, how on earth do you handle all those kids needing to use the bathroom all day long? That would bother me more...all the running in and out of the house and possibly not being the cleanest, neatest person in the bathroom....

By Debbie on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 10:57 pm:

LOL, Kate. They use the bathroom that is right off the garage. But, to be honest, when they are outside playing they don't ask to use the bathroom that often. I guess they go home for that. LOL. When they all come over, I make them play outside. It really cools off here in the evenings, so they want to be outside any way. They are all really good kids and they all get along. There is just one that I am not that crazy about. It is not that he is a bad kid, he just doesn't have manners and he is what dh and I call high maintance.

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