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Social Security Disability

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive August 2005: Social Security Disability
By Marg on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 09:03 am:

Does anyone receive this?

I know I haven't written for a long time, but my situation has come to a severe point.

I have worked with my hands constantly since I was 16.

When I was an accountant I would work 70-90 hours per week during tax season and 40+ the rest of the year. constantly on the computer, using typewriters or writing by hand. Mind you I also slouched over my desk.

I have had tendonitis for the past 8 years, a pinched nerve and a curvature of the spine that curves to the left. I now have a stabbing knife pain in both thumbs on top not beneath. I have tried a new occupation and I'm losing my grip and the ability to type or write for long periods of time.

It has become so severe, no one can diagnose what is wrong with my hands. I'm actually going to a plastic surgeon who specializes in hands at the end of August. I just want this stabbing pain to go away.

It is hard for me to grip a pen/pencil, wash dishes, mow the lawn. I even get cramps in my hands if I drive long distance.

The doctor told me to look into social security disability.

I have a phone appointment tomorrow at 9 a.m. I'm scared to death. I feel absolutely silly going on disability at 39. But I can not do anything with my hands. Typing is coming to a crawl, I used to type 84 words per minute.

With all of that I have become depressed again.

I'm just wondering is anyone else under this? The first social security person I spoke to was super nice. Remember I'm used to working with the IRS which was never pleasant. He was hopeful and said a lot of people that should be on it are like me and think there would be no reason for me to be on it.

Mind you I feel like my mom when they ran her through all of those tests and could never diagnose her. She was the one who had cancer throughout her body.

I'm worried on several levels. Why won't they diagnose someone my age with osteoarthritis? My grandmother also died of bone marrow cancer. I remember the pain she went through and wonder if I won't end up taking a bone marrow test.

Sorry the "C" word just makes me sick to my stomach.

Thanks for letting me ramble.

By Mrsheidi on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 09:16 am:

My mother is on ss disability...i will get back to you today, i promise!!

By Mrsheidi on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 09:19 am:

Marg, can you email me today? heidihenkel @ hotmail . com (Of course, w/o spaces.) I just wanted to know what state you live in and maybe some more info so i can help.

By Karen~moderator on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 09:40 am:

Marg, have you been tested for RA, carpal tunnel syndrome, or had MRI's of your neck? REALLY sounds like carpal tunnel syndrome, which can often be treated surgically. There are less invasive surgeries for this nowadays.

By Marg on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 09:59 am:

I only wish they could figure it out Karen. I have had MRI's and x-rays. No carpal tunnel syndrome, I have done the testing for that. The pain is actually on the top of my hand. It feels like someone is driving a knife down through my hand.

Sometimes when I am grabbing something with my thumb, my thumb stays in a locked position it is so painful.

The worst thing is I thought it was carpal tunnel syndrome, so I went to a different doctor and he also said no.

My doctor thinks something is scraping or pinching within my hand, inflaming some part of my thumb area and causing the pain.

He said if this specialist can not figure it out, it may just be a pain I have to learn to live with.

By Marg on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 10:05 am:

Thank you Heidi, I just emailed you.

By Beth on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 10:23 am:

I know one thing. Be prepared for them to possibly turn you down the first time. They often do that. Sometimes applying up to three times is the trick. I think they think people will give up. I hope they don't play the run around game with you. Good luck and I hope they find out what is wrong. That has to be very frustrating.

By Amecmom on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 11:13 am:

Ditto Beth. My SIL who suffered from a severe seizure disorder was turned down many times. You have to really be persistent and have as much medical info to back you up as possible.
Just hang in there! We're here for you anytime you want to talk.
BTW - there is a huge advance in speech recognition software. If you have a really good microphone (one thatplugs into a USB port) and you take the time to train it, then that might be an option for you, as far as work is concerned.

By Luvn29 on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 02:17 pm:

I am 26 and I have received Disability (not SSI) for two years now.

I worked from the time I turned 16 and had just enough time in when I became sick to be eligible.

Yes, it sucks being on SS at such a young age. I was humiliated and wouldn't file until my doctor and family insisted.

I guess what made it more difficult was the fact that I worked in a lawyer's office that helped people get SS/SSI and so it was hard being on the receiving end.

I have a medical file that is at least four inches thick, and that is only from 2001. I have been to Cleveland, Charlottesville, and Nashville to Hospitals, and have been on walkers, forearm crutches, and unable to walk at all. I was taking 13 pills a day, and I was unable to pay bills, do housework, cook, or take care of my children.

Still, I was denied at the initial level, the recon level, and would have been denied at the hearing level, but I was there with the lawyer that I worked with, and he knew the judge personally and stated to him that he knew for a fact that if I could work, I wouldn't be there.

So I was finally awarded at the third level. 99.99% of all people will be denied at the first and second level. The most awards come from the Hearing level. And still yet, some people are denied at that level, and have to go on through the process.

The most important thing to remember is to keep up with all doctors appts. If you take medication for this, take it regularly, because they will ask for pharmacy printouts. And keep up with your appeals so you don't lose your backpay. They can pay you back to the day that you filed for your disability, even if it takes a year or years.

Just be persistant.

If you have any questions, e-mail me.

ealaney @ adelphia . net

By Crystal915 on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 02:27 pm:

It's interesting that this came up, because my MIL is about to file. She was diagnosed with RA 18 years ago, has worked her whole life, but recently moved from IN to TX. Her new insurance company will not insure her because of the RA, and she cannot get her Remicade, which is basically the only thing that allows her to continue to function. She's had multiple surgeries for arthritic tissue, and had a hip replacement last year, she's not even 50 yet. We've been telling her to file for a long time, but she didn't want to give into it, felt like it was copping out. Now, since she needs the (VERY expensive) Remicade to even function on a normal level, and can't get it, she feels disability is her only choice. Any advice for her as well? It would seem to me that a woman who had suffered with RA for most nearly 2 decades would qualify without problem, especially after the hip, and seeing how crippled her hands and legs are, but I would hate to see her run into problems and give up. Thanks!

By Tink on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 02:46 pm:

My son receives Disability. I had no idea it was so difficult for people to receive. We applied, were approved and as long as we keep up with the paperwork, haven't had any trouble with it. I hope that all works out well with your situation, Marg. I'm so sorry that you are in so much pain. I'll be thinking of you.

By Marg on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 03:08 pm:

Thanks ladies.

The first social security guy I talked to was so positive and upbeat. He was young.

I told him the whole story.

I have no idea whether I'll get it or not.

I worked from the time I was 16-36.

I feel very worthless even in doing household chores.

My huge problem is my current doctors tell me it is tendonitis. The last time I went was a fill-in doctor who I genuinely like and would love to transfer offices, but is it ethical. He is the only one who is sending me to a specialist. However, he tells me not to use my hands (how can you stop). I don't feel as much pain when I don't type. It is beyond frustrating.

I'm afraid if I get turned down, I will not have enough nerve to go through it again.

I have also noticed with prolong use of my hands, they tend to shake. No I don't drink or smoke, this really concerns me.

Just say a prayer...

Will keep you updated and once again thanks.

By Cybermommyx4 on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 03:21 pm:

So sorry to hear that you are going through this. I have received SS Disability Insurance payments for the last 9 years. One of the hardest parts is accepting, yourself, that you are disabled, and the second hardest is accepting the help that you are entitled to. I (like most people) was turned down the first time. At the hearing level, the judge read the doctors reports, etc., and awarded me the disability pay plus the retro-active back pay. That was a relief. At least now I could help contribute financially to my family's support, and not feel like DH has all the burden (although what I receive is much less than I would make if I were still able to work) I have been "re-reviewed" a few times, and forced to see doctors of social security's choosing for exams and x-rays. The last one (of their doctors) declared me "permanently disabled and unlikely to improve" I have 5 years between reviews.Hang in there, and feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions. cwwhiton @ adelphia . net (no spaces):)

By Jann on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 04:07 pm:

Of course it's ethical to change to a doctor you have a better rapport with! The doctor is essentially your employee. Would you keep a plumber, hairdresser, babysitter, yard guy if you didn't feel like you trusted them?

By Marg on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 05:00 pm:

Jann, I'm not sure of the situation though.

One of the doctors in our office was on medical leave, this doctor is a friend and filled in when he possibly could.

I bet he had to sign some type of agreement not to encourage switching doctors, don't you think?

By Jann on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 05:03 pm:

I know in my kids' pediatric group there are several doctors. I have one that I prefer, but I see some of the others if he isn't available. I am probably going to switch to the lady doc next year for my dd's comfort level. It's not a big thing.
It's your perogrative who to use. The doctor works for you.

By Ginny~moderator on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 05:43 pm:

You have the right to choose your doctor. No agreement between doctors can alter the fact that you have the right to choose your doctor. Call the office of the doctor you want to use, tell them you want to switch. They will probably provide you with a form that requests your present doctor's office to transfer your records, which is essential. Once you have filled out and mailed that form, they may tell you there is a charge for copying your records. This is not unusual, and is legal. I had it recently when my ENT left his practice and opened a new practice at another hospital. Once you have mailed the form for transferring your records to the new doc, call all the places where you have had tests, and ask them how you arrange for them to send your test results to the new doc. If you had any x-rays, MRI's, etc., arrange to pick up those films and take them with you for your first visit with the new doc and with any specialist s/he sends you to.

By Jann on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 08:46 pm:

Please keep in mind that the doctor is your employee. As with any employee, you can hire or fire them at your discretion based on how they are satisfying your needs!

By Mrsheidi on Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 10:21 pm:

Marg, I just wrote you an have my prayers tonight!!

By Karen~moderator on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 07:44 am:

Ditto Jann. We all tend to place doctors on a pedestal and treat them as though *we* work for *them*. I think it's that *healer complex mentality* or something. They DO work for you, so you have a right to choose whichever doctor you want.

By Feona on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 08:01 am:

I used to be in constant pain. Sciatica - I used to leave work early. Pain and numbness in my right hand. One nail got disfigured where
the pain was shooting into it from the shoulder.

I was like 23 years old when it started.
I was really bad. I when to chiros and accupuntures but it didn't really help. I started swimming and that help quite a bit. But werid things would happen like I couldn't wear a shoe once for a month. I had to get a
sandle to wear at work. (Pain in right heel)

I couldn't sit through a movie. I swam and finally got rolfed which cured me. I suffered for 10 years.

I still have to be really careful. Once I was carry too much stuff at Home Depot and my right leg stopped working altogether. I had to be wheelchaired to my car and I couldn't walk for 24 hours.

I really can't say enough about rolfing. I tried just about everything else. (My disfigured nail even got better)

By Kittycat_26 on Monday, August 1, 2005 - 08:02 am:


As for switching doctors, all you can do is ask. I think what you are talking about it a non-compete clause and we use it alot in this area. It will not allow you to see another doctor if you have been seen by a certain doctor. I don't understand all of the legalities of it but I do know that many of our docs in this area have and use them.

However, the only way to know is to ask. The worst that they can say is no you cannot switch. In that case, ask for another suggestion of another doctor to change PCPs to.

Hang in there and you have my thoughts and prayers.

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