Dental Clinics
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive July 2005:
Dental Clinics
This might be a long shot, but I'm getting frustrated with my online research. I was listening to NPR the other day and they did a segment on free dental clinics in North Carolina called HealthCo. My mother, who lives in West Virginia, has Medicare and Medicaid and is under the care of a friend. Long story short...she is a paranoid schizophrenic who, when her kids were older, left home for a life "on the road". She decided to be homeless for 5 years and now she is taken care of by a friend whom she met while sleeping in the streets of Nashville. He was also homeless so, we decided that, if he take care of her we (my brother and I) would provide a home out in the wilderness where she would feel "safe" from the general public and he could live there too. They get food stamps, social security, medicare, and medicaid. They've lived there for 5 years now. Her teeth are really bad...she hasn't had new dentures in quite a while and she is having a hard time swallowing. (She's had many strokes so she can't walk very well, much less swallow.) She cannot be in the care of anyone else (ie nursing home) bc her paranoia of these people would cause her to have another stroke. BTDT Does anyone know of a program for free/low cost adult dental clinics in West Virginia? I think medicare/medicaid is quite limited.
I don't know what part of West Virginia but I found this link.
found this too
Thanks, Colette...I did see those websites...I wish they had more dentistry sites! There is a free dental hygiene one on that first site and I called last Friday. (The West Virginia University Institute of Technology Dental Hygiene Program in Montgomery.) They don't open until Aug 1st. I am hoping they do dentures, etc. Medicaid just doesn't cover it. Still searching... Oh, and they live in Berkeley County BTW.
You might check into a dental school as well. They might have some sort of program...
Ooohh...good idea. Thanks!