Job related need opinions (kinda long)
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Job related need opinions (kinda long)
As some of you may know I work second and dh works first for the same company. There is going to be some openings on first in other departments and I may have shot at, at least one of them. Of course there are pros and cons. Pros a regular work schedule, more "normal" family time, I could participate in things like scouts, ball games, help with homework, I miss out on doing things with friends a lot, spend more time with dh (that could be good and bad LOL!) I would see ds more during the school year. He is in school full time. Cons I won't be volunteering at school, going on field trips ect... I will have to drive about 15 min farther. It will cost money for things like daycare in the summer and possibly during the school year half a day for dd. (Not sure I want to leave her with mil half a day everday). The new boss has issues with a lot of people. I had problems with my now boss but after two years things have gotten much better. I think I could get a long with this women better then some of the men have if you get my drift. But still definately an issue. I have wanted this for so long and now that its a possiblity I am torn. I do get 5 weeks for vacation plus sick holidays ect.. So I can take off most nights I want or need to. My boss is good about letting me make up time and go to one ball game a week, or open house ect... It is such a hard decision. I think part of the problem is that during the summer I am with my dk's and during the school year I don't see ds nearly as much. I also have that feeling of "missing" out. Dh and I miss a lot of time together also. We do spend most of our weekends as family time. I have to work so that's not even a question. Just wondering what is the best alternative. Thanks for listening to me in advance. I have been going around and around about this.
I think I'd try to take the first shift position. Having the opportunity for a "normal" family life is a huge deal to me. My dh works second shift and the dks and I would love to have him around in the evenings. JMO, but I can tell you that from our point of view, there would be no question.
I'd go for first shift too. Good luck.
I agree with Tink. My husband just came to first shift after working third shift our entire marriage. We took a HUGE pay cut and we have had to cut back on a lot, but it has been so worth it having a "normal" family life where mom and dad are both home in the evenings and at night we all are going to bed as a family. We've had to make adjustments, but there's no doubt in my mind (or our kids who hated having dad leave for work at 7:00 every evening) that this is the right thing for us. There's always going to be pros and cons of every situation, and there's always going to be kinks that have to be worked out, but I think that especially during the school year, you and your kids would be so much happier having all that time in the evenings. Good luck in figuring out what's best for your family! And hope I didn't offend anyone by the "normal" statements. I know that there are many different norms in this country, I just meant the "typical" family setting.