Need Furby HELP!!
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive May 2005:
Need Furby HELP!!
DS just got a Furby from our neighbor. It is an older toy in excellent condition and it doesn't have a box or instructions. It keep waking up and saying it's tired then going back to sleep. What are we supposed to do with it. I can't remember how they work and Hasbro is closed until Monday. Any help would be great! DS is trying to get it to wake up and nothing is happening.
Hmmm, it has been a long time since we had Furbies. LOL! I believe there is a reset button on the bottom.
There are several websites that have Furby instructions posted. Here's one: Furby Instructions HTH!
Get rid of it while you can...before it drives you insane! LOL!
Awww, I thought furbies were cute! If you don't want it making noise, set it somewhere and DON'T MOVE IT! LOL!
Well i haven't had time to read the direction from above yet...thank you Andy!! So far he Farts, Burps, and laughs when you tickle his tummy. When we cover his eyes he gets a little scared and in general he has been easy so far. Last night Furby slept in a drawer in my Buffet. I dodn't want to take any chances and have him "wake up." Watching DS take care of it is so cute and DD seems to think it is very funny to watch. We will see how long it will last. LOL
I remember one Christmas eve, dh's cousin gave all of the children furbies. There were about a dozen furbies given out all chattering away. When we left the party I had 3 chattering furbies in my car w/the dks. I took the batteries out so they would be quiet.