I'm stressed.
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive May 2005:
I'm stressed.
I need hugs. I'm tired. Can everyone just spare a quick prayer that my Moms job search is successful so that I can get a p/t job and have her watch DD on the side. I may have a pharmacy technician job lined up but I will only work if my Mom watches DD. I really want to do this. I think i'm just having one of those days where I want to lay in bed and cry. No *real* reason, I just want to. PMS perhaps? I don't know but I hate today. Things that aren't usually stressful are.
Hugs to you, things happen for a reason, I hope that everything works out for you. It's OK to feel down in the dumps every once in a while, we all deserve a bit of poor me. We all work so hard, either as sahms or working moms. It is a thankless job sometimes but you know that it is all worth it in the end. GL
(((Melissa))) I was thinking about you just the other day. I bet you have been busy lately with Kaitlyn's birthday this month and all. I hope everything works out for you and your mom, prayers are definately being said.
Sending >>hugs<<< to you. Maybe you do have PMS but that doesn't mean you don't deserve a good cry.Sometimes it is all so overwhelming.It will work out the way it is supossed to. Take it easy.
Aww sweetie. I hope that everything happens the way that you want it to. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh darling! Hope everything gets sorted out. Prayers and thoughts for your jobhunt.