Some horrible Back
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive April 2005:
Some horrible Back
OMGoodness! I woke up this morning with such horrible back pain, I think I am about to fall apart. Everytime I walk I can feel it pop in my low back and my hips are not any better so I can barely get around. I am basically only sitting today, maybe I should try to go for a walk, would that help? And today was my day to mop the kitchen floor...oh brother! Any suggestions, I know I am not supposed to use a heating pad or anything. I don't know what to really do for it. TIA
You are pregnant correct? You may be experiencing back labor. I had that with my 7 yr old. My back hurt so bad all night long so I called my doctor in the morning and he had me go to the hospital and my son was born that day at 3pm. You may want to give your dr a call and see what they say. Back labor really hurts.
It sounds like back labor to me too. I would call your doctor sweetie. Good luck.
Does the pain run down your leg? If it does, then it could be your sciatic(sp?) nerve. I had problems with this when I had my 1st ds. Or, like Bemerry said, it could be back labor.
No it's pretty concentrated in my middle low back and my hips. It helps to sit and rock so I don't know that that would be back labor. Seems like back labor would be unbearable and I can at least get some relief it I sit and rock.
It sounds like back labor to me too, I had that with my dd. I would call your doctor. Good Luck!
Please, do call your doctor.
Ditto Ginny!
I called my doctor and I am waiting on a call back, I am not having any contractions so I don't think she will see me but at least I called. I will keep you posted.
I would think it's back labor as well. The last couple of weeks of my pregnancy I was in terrible pain, my back and my joints just hurt. Also, are you SURE you aren't having contractions? My contractions were painless (I timed them by holding my belly, I could feel the muscles tighten) for the first 10 hours of labor. They were less than 2 minutes apart and I was dialating before I had any pain.
Keep us posted girlie
Let us know what the doctor says...
I went to lie down and I am hurting even worse now. The doctor said If I started having contractions to go straight to Labor and Delivery. If not then it is normal. I did have a few small contractions before I went to sleep, I haven't timed them or anything though. And I am having them again, but they are not painful. I so do not want to go to the hospital in false labor. I am cramping with back pain and not very strong or hurting contractions. What is delaying me is the fact that I just went to the doctor 2 days ago and she said my cervix was still "fingertip-thick" and that I would go all the way to my due date, can things change that quick?
Sometimes things can change that quick. If it were me, one of the things I would do is make sure my bag is packed and any childcare arrangements you need to make are made. The other thing I would do is put a waterproof cover on my mattress, in case your water breaks or you have some leakage - an experience I had (fortunately, with plastic mattress cover).
Things can change that quickly. I was not even dialated at my last doctors appointment & had to schedule a c-section because she didn't think I would go into labor. A few days later Olivia was here, a week before the c-section. My back labor didn't hurt until I started to realize this was it, I think because it was going to be my first vaginal delivery & was scared. I would be less worried about false labor & more worried about delivering at home. You would not be the first mom to go in with false labor & at least you would know.
My bags are packed and so are the girls we did that about a month ago. I will get the cover (or make one) for tonight. Right now I have started timing my contractions and so far I have only had 2 and they are 8 minutes apart. I will keep timing though
8 minutes apart is fairly close together, if they keep up. As I remember it, 10 minutes apart was head for the hospital time. For the bed, just take some heavy plastic trash bags, cut them on the side and bottom so they are fully open, and be sure to overlap generously. Do tape them down, because being slippery they will shift. Just use masking tape, and tape the overlap joints too.
I was told to head in when they were 5 minutes apart, but I want to say this again... I was in NO PAIN until I was already in the hospital, hooked up to an IV. I had steady contractions from mid-morning until 7pm, I drove myself to the hospital because they were less than 5 minutes apart, and it took another hour or more before they became painful. You could definitely be in labor, so keep close watch. Good luck, Candis... let us know how your are feeling.
I hope this is it for you!!! Update us when you can!
Still contracting but they are not regular I will see how the night goes. If nothing else I bet this has helped me progress. I will be happy if I make it past this weekend, I am having my pictures done on Friday and my baby shower on Sunday. But oh well whatever will be will be.
You are so much braver then I was! I would have been at the hospital the first time someone here told me it might be labor! LOL! Good Luck!
Candis, it sounds like you could be in early labor.No broken membranes yet, no mucous plug. I would say try tp get some sleep and even you do start to have more regular contractions try to do as much laboring at home as possible.I am so sorry you are having back pain. Try to get on your knees and do some pelvic rocking. Having your husband or someone do some counter pressure on your hips and right at the base of the spine. If it's back labor it could be that the baby needs to turn around.You can get her to turn by pelvic rocking and stair climbing.Hot or cold compresses should help. If you have a birth ball, sitting on that may be more comfortable than a chair. good luck!
So how are you this am?
Yes, how are you doing?? Things can change very quickly. I was at 2 cm for three doctor's visits in a row. The day after my last appt., my water broke and I went in and I was at 4 cm with hardly any contractions. With ds #2, my ped. said to wait until my contractions were 5 minutes apart for one hour, then come in. Well, that never happened, so I was induced. Hope things get moving for you soon.
How are you doing this morning? Any news yet?
Nope I am still here, my back is still hurting. My Aunt had a good theory she said maybe my bones are moving and causing my back to hurt like that. Well, whatever it is I am not getting too anxious I know that I will have the baby in the next month at least..LOL Let's all hope it's not today though because DH is gone until tomorrow!