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Kaye re:gum surgery

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive April 2005: Kaye re:gum surgery
By Annie2 on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 - 11:53 pm:

What are you having it done?

I remember my Mom had gum surgery when I was a kid. They were packed, etc., but I never knew why. I have receeding gums now and I am thinking they are going to cause me trouble down the line.

Just curious. Thanks! :)

I wish you the best tomorrow!

By Kaye on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - 04:02 pm:

I just had it done this morning. I have really deep pockets, they are not sure why really. I had a deep cleaning done 2 years ago, but it didn't help the pockets and since then I have had some major bone loss. So today they peeled back my gums, in three specific places. And cleaned the roots and the bones and put in some material to help the bone adhere too. My dad has good teeth, I think my mom did too. I am only 33, so this is really young to have issues. So it is not from receeding gums, but when they measure your gums with that little tool i had 3 spots that were at 9's, while the rest were 2's and 3's mostly. Anyway, it has been a LONG LONG day. I am sure tomorrow will be worse. Thanks for asking. The odd thing is for bandaids, they put something that looks like silly putty or gum over the areas, so it looks like i have gum stuck in my teeth, this stays on for a WEEK. Until then I can eat no mexican food, no salads, no veggies that you bite (brocoli, celery, etc), nothing spicy, nothing hard to chew, steaks etc. Maybe i will drop a few pounds this week. I have had a reaction to meds they gave me and so far managed to eat a few bites of jello and a few bites of mashed potatos before I called it done for the day!

By Annie2 on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - 06:14 pm:

Glad to hear everything went well. How do you feel today? Are you in much pain and discomfort?

By Sue3 on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - 09:13 pm:

Ouch ! Ouch ! is all I can think of !!!
I have peridontal disease and
I have to have the deep cleaning done every three months for the deep pockets.
I have horrible teeth and
I have had a lot of things done to my teeth but nothing like what you have been through.
I hope tomorrow is better for you.
Don`t forget puddings and maybe ensure for protein and vitamins. I go to the dentist next week Tuesday and I am not looking forward to it.
I hope you have a comfortable pain free week.
Did they give you motrin ?

By Tklinreston on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - 10:48 pm:

Kaye, I hope you are feeling better and that you heal quickly. I had to have gum surgery as well and I was only 32 at the time, so you're definitely not alone. I think genetics play a big role. Plus, as a kid growing up, my parents never took me to the dentist for regular cleanings. So, hopefully, everyone who reads this post will go schedule a cleaning for themselves and their kids if it's been 6 months or longer.

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