Disney World Video Tape
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive March 2005:
Disney World Video Tape
I just recentlly found a video that my dh taped just before we left for Disney World. He recorded the kids waking up the morning we left for Florida. He went into ds (3 at the time) room and turned on the light. It was around 5:30 am. Ds opened his very tired looking eyes, he had huge bags under his eyes. DH : "hey Joey" DS: In A very tired, morning voice "what?" DH: "We are going to Disney World today!" DS: Stands up on his bed, rubs his little eyes really good with his little fists and opens his eyes as wide as they will go and says "What you said?" Priceless! by the way, they knew they were going to Disney World, it wasn't a surprise at all. We should send the video in to AFV, it's adorable.
Very cute!
I can just see it. I absolutely love little kids. They are priceless. I thank God all the time for blessing us with out dd. I forgot through the teenage years with the boys just how cute they were.
My dh did the same with my dd DH: Flips on the light and dd is already waking up. She flips her long hair off of her face and sits up in bed. Dh says "guess where we are going today?" DD: "Disney World." and then she flops back down on the pillow. Of course seconds later the were both bouncing off the walls with excitment!
LOL! Thats too cool.
how funny