Alergies (pollen) and breastfeeding........
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive March 2005:
Alergies (pollen) and breastfeeding........
What other methods are available to fight the headaches, watery eyes and such? I called the pharmacist about taking sinus meds and was given the okay. However, they said "drink lots and lots of water." Then it dawned on me that those meds would certainly effect my milk production by drying my system. I am already not producing enough milk as it is. So I am doing what I can w/out the meds. But today I am just dying. any suggestions? TIA
I'm so sorry Dana. Have you tried putting your face over the sink while running hot water, and covering your head with a towel? That may help with the sinus headache. I got over a cold alot faster than the rest of the family and I didn't take anything. Take your vitamins and get lots of sleep, when you can, I know it's hard. (((hugs))) sorry I can't really be of any help.
Dana- try logging on to there is a lot of info on meds, safe herbals, and also alot of info on increasing your milk supply! Sorry you are not feeling well! Try a humidifier in your room and sleep! I know that one is hard! Good Luck! Also- have you tried La Leche?
Thanks for the support and recommendations. I've done the steamy showers, but that is all. I will check kellymom about increasing. I have read and done so much trying to increase. I am getting so tired of it now and my boobs are soooo sore from so much nursing and pumping round the clock.