If multitasking were a Olympic sport
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive February 2005:
If multitasking were a Olympic sport
By Jenn34 on Wednesday, February 23, 2005 - 11:53 am: | I had one of those mornings. Overslept to start the day so I didn't have time to get five year old to school before my on-line class started at 9am. Husband on phone with business calls-(no help). So here I am at the computer typing responses for my art appreciation class-using the breast pump(baby won't nurse)- rocking the bouncey seat with my foot to keep him happy and having the five year want to help me with my homework while climbing on the chair behind me. I think that would easily win the gold medal in multi-tasking. How many things have you tried to do at once?
By Sunny on Wednesday, February 23, 2005 - 12:33 pm: | It feels strange nowadays if I'm able to concentrate on only one task at a time. I get almost giddy when in happens, probably because it happens so infrequently! LOL I multitasked a lot more when I was nursing becuase I nursed on demand. It's eased up now, but there are still days when I amaze myself with my ability to do a lot of things at once.
When I did daycare it was always hectic around lunch. I had 6 kids- 2 infants the same age, three 2-yr-olds (my ds included), and one 3 year-old. I was participating in the local resource center's food program, where I would get reimbursed by them for serving meals that met their nutrition guidelines, and this one day I remember the coordinator did a drop-in inspection to check up and make sure I was indeed serving the required food items. So I had her asking me all sorts of questions as though I had nothing better to do than to sit and chat with her. Then one of the 2-yr-olds spilled her plate on the floor, one of the babies needed a bottle, I think the other baby needed a diaper change, and the phone rang, all within a 20-minute span of time. NO PROBLEM!