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Horse Question

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive February 2005: Horse Question
By My2cuties on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 01:24 pm:

This will most likely sound silly but...What are horses for? I mean if they are not for pets. Our landlord has 2 really pretty horses and yesterday I told him that my cousin was interested in grooming them and he said well, if she did that I'm afraid they might want to be groomed all the time. That got me wondering.. if he doesn't groom them and treat them like pets then why do they have them. Any suggestions?

By Marg on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 02:39 pm:

When I was little, some people in our area owned 'work' horses. Now, most are for pleasure, whether pets or for riding.

Some people just own them for the 'status.'

I even knew women that owned them for 'studs' for racing. Didn't make much money, but they loved to go to the races.

Maybe that's why he owns them. Maybe he 'studs' them or breeds or sells them. Most owners that do that do not treat them like 'pets.' Same as having a pig, steer, etc. If you know they won't be around for long there is no use getting attached to them.

By My2cuties on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 02:47 pm:

He has had them for like more than 4 years. They are right across the street so I can see them all the time and all they do is just walk around and eat. He has lots of cows also and does alot with them but the horses just stand around, I have never seen him even go near them. Maybe it is for Status, like you said.

By Sue3 on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 04:12 pm:

A few of my friends have horses.They spend ALOT of time with them.
From feeding them, riding ,cleaning and grooming.
I guess it is like with any pet owner.Some people are meant to have pets and some are not.
I can see the point of not getting attached to them if they are not going to be around ,but you said he has had them for four years.
Even my friend that shows his horses and has stud service spends quite a bit of time
with them.
Maybe when they go into the barn at night your landlord gives them attention? I hope so.
They are such beautiful animals.

By Dawnk777 on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 05:09 pm:

I can't imagine having an animal like that and then just basically ignoring them. I know my 12yo would have a hard time just going in to feed them and nothing else.

By My2cuties on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 05:17 pm:

Sue you brought up a very interesting point.. I have never even seen a barn, I don't think they have one unless it is at a different location. They have a barn for the cows right behind our duplex but that is a totally different field.

I guess he just has them. Period. Oh well, just thought I might get a clue but seems like there is really no explaination why someone cannot show them a little bit of affection since he doesn't.

By Conni on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 08:35 pm:

My parents board horses, my sister and bil have 5 horses right now, my other sister/bil have 1 older horse.

They have to spend alot of time with their horses. They also have to spend alot of money to maintain them. I would love to have a horse but I wont have one until I live in the country and have the proper space/shelter/time/money for one!!

The people that I know with horses use them for working cattle, rodeo (barrel racing and roping), and for trail riding.

My ex husbands family all have mules. They ride them alot in parades and they jump them. (yep- there is an annual MULE JUMP down the road from us. lol)

I know my Dad is exhausted from the boarding, he works extremely hard to keep the horses rotated on pasture, keeping stalls cleaned up, dealing with picky boarder's, and he even has a walker he puts some of the horses on at different times. For instance if one gets colic I think he literally will have to stay up all night with the horse. If one is about to have a baby, again--he has to go back and forth to the barn all night checking to see if mama horse is giving birth yet...My Mom slept in the barn with her horse when she was fixing to have a baby! lol

I personally wouldnt mess with someone else's horse's. Well-- I could go ride my Mom's horse or go to my sisters and ride. But thats it. Because I know they work with their horses, etc...

Too many things can happen with a horse. Your cousin might get stepped on and get hurt. If the man isnt spending any time with the horses and isnt working with them, chances are they are going to be hard to handle. I, like you, wonder why he has them? It's neglectful.

JMO!! :)

By Imamommyx4 on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 09:57 pm:

Maybe he has them to keep the field cleaned down.
But if the horses were mine, we'd be with them all the time.

By Kaye on Thursday, February 17, 2005 - 08:30 am:

Most livestock are not really meant to be petted and coddled. We didn't have horses, but people do have them as pets. To me I liken it to dogs. There are some people who have dogs that they have groomed, they wear cute little clothes and little bows. There are others who only do the mandatory grooming. I think you can rest assured this guy is doing the mandatory grooming, he spent big bucks to have, house and feed a horse. If he were doing something, the horse would look awful. But he probably doesn't sing and pet and "dress" it up. And honestly maybe he just didn't want to deal with strangers and the horse and that is what popped into his head. All animals have the ability to pick favorites, if your cousin came and loved all over the horse it could take an attitude with him. What is a horses purpose? Well we always wanted one for transportation, our ranch is big and I would rather not walk, a four wheeler is loud, etc. I don't know where yall live, but that could be the same case. Ranch people are different, they see function in animals, not always seeing the pet side of things.

By My2cuties on Thursday, February 17, 2005 - 09:04 am:

he has a four wheeler that he rides. The horse's mane looks all tangled and matted up. I think Debbie has a good idea because the field is kept down so that may be the case. I have never seen him with the horses. Mt cousin has went up to the gate and petted the horses and they really seem to like her so I don't think they would hurt her, but anyway he said no and that is it. It just sparked my curiousity as to why he had them, but I guess that you could say they are like any other pet, some owners care for their pets and some just have them. Thanks for all the posts.:)

By Missmudd on Thursday, February 17, 2005 - 10:08 am:

Never assume a horse wont hurt you. They can take it into their heads at a moments notice to stomp you to jelly. Some even act all sweet and innocent until you let your guard down. Now dont get me wrong, I love horses, but they are 1500 pounds and they can be just as fickle as your house cat. An honest assesment of the possible damage they can do needs to be in your head at all times. All horse owners know that even the best of horses, if the horse spooks, has a bad day, or even stumbles they can get thrown and get stomped. I have had many a horse joking around and trying to crush me between the stall and the horse. Also had one that would step on my feet just cuz. I had to rescue a neighbor kid once from a horse, he thought the horse was so tame, letting him to walk the to the fence line so he could mount. Horse took off like a shot dumped him and the kid was trapped circling the barn trying to keep the horse from eating him.

So if I had the room I would love a horse but dont just assume that they are just gentle giants.

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