Troubles with breastfeeding
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Troubles with breastfeeding
By Jenn34 on Saturday, February 5, 2005 - 08:01 pm: | I live in Georgia and since we moved here five years ago they have moved the start date up three weeks. This year they are planning on start school on August 5! I'm trying to get a feeling for how others feel and when your start dates are. Right now there's a bill before the Legislature to make the start date between the last Monday in August and Sept 7. We get about 21 days off for the winter holidays but I would rather have that time in the summer with my kids and not be stuck in the house during winter because of bad weather. In Pa. where I used to live they still use the same school calender that they had in place when I was in school so I don't understand Georgia's logic behind the early start date. They say it's because the students need to take finals before winter break/ that seniors will benefit from having a start date closer to that of colleges/ that teachers will be better able to take additional classes. BUT kids take finals now before breaks in other states and they score higher on standardized test. Start dates for colleges vary and most colleges don't start the beginning of Aug. And most classes for continuing ed. for teachers are early in the summer. I think that they are pushing for year round school and just trying to push the date up a little more each year so one day they can be like let's just keeping going and no one will complain. I could keep venting about this but I let others weigh in on this. By the way my middle son has PPD-NOS and it's much easier for me if he's in school but I feel like part of summer is to have that extra time as a family.
By Kate on Saturday, February 5, 2005 - 09:03 pm: | We start the Wednesday or Thursday after Labor Day in September here in NY. I wouldn't be happy about August 5th, either!! Although, I've always heard the southern schools end early in May and begin again in early August to take advantage of the best weather. The 'not too hot' weather. I've heard August in southern states is unbearable so kids can't play outside anyway, why not put them in school. Having lived my whole life here in the North Pole I have no idea if that's true or not, but that's what southern friends have explained to me. BTW, the topic trouble happens to me all the time!!! I never know WHY it happens or how to fix it!!
By Jenn34 on Sunday, February 6, 2005 - 09:55 am: | That would be great if we ended in early May but it's closer to the end of May. The weather here can be pretty hot in August but not unbearable if you plan the right activities. We bought a pool because our local pool closes at 5 pm( the hottest part of the day down here) and for the season at the start of school. And there's not really that big of a temp difference between the south and the north anymore. When I talk to my mom the temps are usually pretty close. Thanks I was feeling computer stupid last night after I could fix the topic mistake.
By Cat on Sunday, February 6, 2005 - 10:03 am: | We're in Colorado. School started August 5th this past year and will get out May 27th. Our kids had from Dec 20th-Jan 4th off for winter break. They had a fall break from Oct 8th-Oct 22nd. Spring break will be from Mar 18th (for ele students--the 21st for middle and high schools)-Apr 1st. They also get off all holidays of course, and several teacher work days. I think they get a day off like every 3-4 weeks, if not more, plus the breaks! Now of course, we're not as hot as you, so August isn't unbearable here. My kids do well with this schedule. My oldest is ADHD and Bipolar and he needs the frequent breaks. They call it "modified year round schooling" here. That's just our schedule. Maybe if enough parents complained they might change it??? Never hurts to ask.
By Karefl on Monday, February 7, 2005 - 12:55 pm: | I'm in Florida & I think that schools started around the 5th of August this year. I'm not really sure when they get out. I homeschool & we work through the summer so that we can take a little extra time off through the year. Things ALWAYS seem to fall apart around Christmas. We were 1/2 way through our 180 required days by Thanksgiving. If my kids were in traditional school I don't think that I would like starting in August though.
By Colette on Monday, February 7, 2005 - 01:36 pm: | I'm in Ma and we go back around 8/28 and get out usually the second week of June, unless we have snow days to make up.
By Jewlz on Monday, February 7, 2005 - 03:13 pm: | were in calif and we started 16 august and have about 2 weeks off for daughter is a sr this year and we take finals the week before christmas break and then party on friday before the break. it has worked out great for us. ilike itthis way. the kids have more shorter breaks and less time to forget what was learned. when kids have long time off from classes they tend to forget about 25% or more of what was learned. over the years i have struggled with this way of thinking but i have seen it work for the better of the teachers and children. we get out of school the last week of may. we have a week off in feb and then a easter break of 8 days. the children are refreshed with short breaks and ready to learn. for the most part with the calendars coming out this eary in the school year for the next year most families are able to adjut and take vacationsat those times. another thing i also think is that alot of cold weather happens at christmas break and sometimes they take longer breaks at that time to keep from heating the schools as much. when we lived in ga that was the case when they had a bad ice storm and long cold snap that lasted for about 10 days. kids that need extra learning tutoring are alot of times offered special classes to help them thru the down times and to keep up with thier classes.