ATTN: Front loader users
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ATTN: Front loader users
By Sassy on Tuesday, February 1, 2005 - 07:47 pm: | I was sharing some of the info in the previous posts about front loaders with my hubby. He works for Whirlpool and although his plant doesn't build them, he repairs the Duets and Kenmore's front loader. He was concerned when I mentioned the thread about the detergent for HE washers. He said it is imperative to use the proper detergent for a couple of reasons: 1)Regular detergents (even cut in half) will cause the pump to lock up. 2) The washer is designed to be energy efficient and use less water. The wrong detergent will cause your machine to "sense" this and rinse over and over - using more water. In turn, your clothing takes the abuse. The HE detergents do not cost anymore than the other detergents. I have a Family Dollar 1 block away and they sell Tide HE and Gain HE - $6.50 and $5.00, respectively. Also, somebody had mentioned on another thread about fabric softeners. I have tried most of them out there and the best fragrance combination has been Tide HE detergent and Downy. JMHO. I hope this little tidbit helps - it's coming from the repair guy. BTW, I LOVE DOING LAUNDRY! Who would have thought a washer and dryer could change my life. Cathy
By Vicki on Tuesday, February 1, 2005 - 08:41 pm: | I have also been told by more than one person to not use regular detergent in my machine. Various reasons including the ones you mentioned above. I was also told that it could void any warranties. Not sure if that is true, but I was told that. I am the one that asked about the fabric softener, so I will try the Downy next! (thank you) Now, if they would just make a Tide with Bleach liquid HE, I would be even happier!!! Does anyone have that around them?? I have looked high and low for it and can't find it!! I like using that in with my whites!!
By Sassy on Tuesday, February 1, 2005 - 09:09 pm: | You're welcome!
By Sue3 on Tuesday, February 1, 2005 - 09:40 pm: | Thanks for the info Cathy.I also like using detergent with bleach and I have not found one yet by the HE detergents. I prefer powder to liquid and I can`t find powder HE either. Hopefully they will be available soon in our area. The man that installed a friend of mines washer (a front loader,like mine) was the one who told her to use 1/2 of what you would your regular detergent. Thanks again for the info (thank your hubby too)! . I don`t want to ruin my machine!They are to darn expensive ,and I want it to last a long time. I will be sure to tell my friend also.Btw ,I wish I loved doing laundry as much as you do ! I do love to iron though.
By Sassy on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 12:07 am: | I found Tide HE powder today at KMart. I think it was like $6.59 or so. Target had the best selection of HE detergents. I believe they had maybe Purex, ERA, and Cheer. My local grocery store carries 2 bottles of HE Tide. Go figure! My hubby said "No problem, just trying to save them some trouble."
By Amecmom on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 08:43 am: | I was told you can use regular detergent (it may even be in my manual), you use a very small amount, though - a quarter to a half the normal amount. When they start carrying All Free and Clear for HT (if it even exists) at BJ's, then I'll switch. I've had no trouble thus far. Ame
By Sue3 on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - 05:06 pm: | We have a K-Mart in our area , so I will check that out .Thanks