I have Rhinitis medicamentosa
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive January 2005:
I have Rhinitis medicamentosa
By Cat on Friday, January 7, 2005 - 12:59 pm: | In other words, I'm addicted to Afrin! I am wanting to wean off it, so I was doing some searching online to find ways to help and found this site. It offers a system (for $35) to help you kick the habit. Well, I think I'm going to try just cutting back, steam, etc before I pay money for that. Anyone btdt? I had this problem when living in Panama and quit then. I can do it again. Then, when I do, if I ever get the urge to buy a bottle of Afrin again, I'm going to come here and you all can tell me DON'T!!! lol
LOL, Cat! I was addicted to nasal spray in high school. It's really not very funny, because I hate not being able to breath through my nose, so going off of it was horrible. (I went cold turkey.) I don't remember how long it took to breathe normally on my own,(That was more than 20 years ago) but since then I've never touched the stuff!! I'm glad to hear someone else shares my sordid, drug-addicted past!LOL! Seiously, though, good luck. It's no fun.
By Cat on Friday, January 7, 2005 - 04:05 pm: | Rofl, Michele! "Hi, my name is Cathy, and I'm an Afrinaholic." lol I know addictions are not funny, but I'm just so surprised they actually have a name for this! I just thought it was called rebound congestion. Someone once told me about an herbal cream or something that I could use instead while getting of the Afrin. Maybe I need to do some more searching. Today hasn't been too bad, but I did use it once. Only half the dose I usually use though. The system the above website is selling sounds like they just have you dilute it slowly, over a few weeks or so. I can do that with my bottle of Afrin and saline! We'll see. I'll let you know how it goes.