Veggies-To Cook or Not - Microwave or Not _ Not what we thot
Moms View Message Board: Let's Get Fit! (Weight Loss Support Group): Veggies-To Cook or Not - Microwave or Not _ Not what we thot
Well we can feel less guilty - cooking can improve the health value of some vegies and microwaving frozen may be better (sometimes). Check out what and when with these links: Steamed or Raw Veggies and Fruits-To Cook or Not Fresh vs Frozen AND To Microwave or Not Microwave Fruits and Veggies TO healthier all of us!!!!
Kale is really cheap these days (less than $3 at Walmart near us for a gigantic bag). I just discovered that you can microwave it (basically steaming in the microwave. Put vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper and some peppers in it and a little hot sauce and you are in tasty but healthy veggie land. I love that its a fresh veggie for less than the price of frozen too. Steaming kale in microwave directions:
Linda, I've heard of kale and I've seen it, but I've never purchased it. What does it taste like? Is it something that my "I don't like eating my veggies" dh and children might like? TIA
Enchens, Its a mild, large dark green leafy veggie like spinach or collard greens (overview of Kale-they call it the Queen of Greens- Has more vitamns, minerals and health benefits ounce for ounce than any other vegetable. Easier to get adults to love than kids but..............My teens liked it prepared kind of southern style - with bacon and a little sweet. I cook it by eye -found a similar recipe to guarantee your outcome. This is a super healthy version but can substitute bacon (pork or turkey) for the ham. Its one of the best vegetables for women if you are trying to increase YOUR veggie quotient, gives tons of iron, antioxidants and vitamins A and C and calcium. Helps with estrogen levels and that the short list. If you want to try the Kale with the kids these Kid kale recipes might help (love these kid foodie sites by the way): Kid recipes are toward the end of the Kale description. This is more family friendly as a whole meal, but only if they like pork (can use kielbasa - turkey even instead)- also only if they don't fish out green anything. This is Disney's kid foodie site. These are both spicy but good (we love spicy but if yours don't then these aren't for you): For other more user friendly kids veggies, my little guy loves things like broccolli especially prepared chinese style or just with butter, things that are stewed in tomatoes, peas(buttered of course), anything with a cheese sauce, sauteed carrots with orange juice, butter and brown sugar. If frozen works for you there is a line of new veggies that are almost as good as fresh and focus on healthy vision, immunity etc. - basically healthy eating but in lightsauces and my kids and husband love them. When I shop next I'll post the name - ran out already - husband took to work for lunch. Whatever works to increase quantity is my philosophy on the veggie front.
Thank you, Linda. I'll have to give kale a try. Oh, I meant to clarify. It's dh who doesn't really eat veggies. lol The boys are just a bit suspicious of anything new until they've tried it. So far, they only dislike lima beans.