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Moms View Message Board: Let's Get Fit! (Weight Loss Support Group): Jan.23,07
By Brandy on Wednesday, January 23, 2008 - 03:38 pm:

I have no idea but i'm beyond hungry again today i haven't been like this in awhile geesh i don't know what is up the good news i'm not overeating still but i'm just wondering what is going on i guess it could be that i didn't eat as much yesterday as i have been because i wasn't hungry...i ate at work and came home around 9 and didn't eat i thought wow that was great but today i guess i'm paying for it? oh well i'm only going to eat when i'm hungry still = ) tonight we are going to have some awesome pizza so i will eat two pieces and that's it.If i get hungry later on there will still be some in there i can have = ) i've come so far already woohoo go me lol = ) sorry just had to brag....hope everyone has a great day...

By Debbie on Wednesday, January 23, 2008 - 05:40 pm:

I'm glad you are doing so well. You are probably hungrier today because you didn't each much yesterday.

I exercised both yesterday and today. I am doing really well with that. I just wish I could do a little better with my eating. . Oh well, baby steps.

By Cat on Wednesday, January 23, 2008 - 09:05 pm:

My eating sucks! lol Good thing I'm working out. Randy and I have gone to karate every night this week so far and will go again tomorrow. Then I'll have to hit the treadmill this weekend. Next week I start my classes on Wednesday nights so we'll only be able to do karate 3 nights a week. Then after Feb 12th I'll start training with TNT both Saturday mornings and Tuesday nights (when I don't have child care meetings) so that'll cut another karate night. I'm sure Randy will be okay with that since he's started training for football already. Yeah, I went out and bought a planner last week.

I need to drink some more water tonight, but I went to the dentist a couple of hours ago and still can't feel my mouth. I know I'm gonna drool everywhere!!! *sigh*

By Brandy on Wednesday, January 23, 2008 - 10:09 pm:

I'm glad to hear you both are doing well with your exercising ...i'm just not into it lol = ) i know i need to be though but with time i'm sure i will be again = ) ...yes debbie baby steps are the way to go = ) have a great night everyone...tomorrow is my weigh in day

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