Moms View Message Board: Let's Get Fit! (Weight Loss Support Group): Pilates........revisited
I was taking a Pilates/yoga class every Monday and Wednesday night. I really loved it. Problem was, it was often a real push to get there since I get off work @ 5 PM and the class was @ 5:30. Plus, then I wouldn't get home till 7 and then have to start dinner, laundry, etc. So.............even though I had the VCR tapes of Winsor Pilates, I happened upon an infomercial very late one night around Christmas and ordered the DVD set, which has an instructional DVD, a basic workout, advanced workout, and 4 additional DVDs which target different areas of your body. It also came with a 10 day meal planner and a chart for your progress. Well, last night, after missing a few weeks of class and ultimating deciding not to return to the class, I started my Pilates at home. I did the basic 20 minute workout, plus the Bun/thigh workout. My butt HURTS today!!! My osteopath got me motivated again when I saw him last week, since he suggested (again) that Pilates or Yoga would be the best form of exercise for me. Since there are 4 *target* DVDs, my goal is to do one every day, plus alternating the basic and advanced DVD's daily. Wish me luck. I know there are a few particular things I just cannot do, at least at this time, but I'm certainly going to give it a go. I want to be *cruise ready* come November since we'll be snorkeling in several ports!
Karen, do you have any yoga instructional videos suggestions. I did them years ago, and I really should do them. Knee problems, I had ligament replacement, but I bet in years to come I'll need it replaced. The Dr. told me something that does not place blunt force on my legs. I used to love to run, but oooowwww Thanks
congrats on doing them again and good luck!I'm glad you enjoy it...
Yeah, Karen! Good for you! I love my Pilates tapes. It feels great! I love how stretched out I feel. Gaiam is my favorite brand. They are done really well. They have an AM/PM workout that I want. What tapes did you get? I'm always interested in a good one. I have a Pilates Yoga combo that is good too. Yoga is tough though. It takes a lot of stength and those poses get me everytime. LOL! I love the names though, warrier pose, downward dog. When I was young, my whole entire family was in to Yoga. My Mom said it was the thinnest she ever was in her whole life. I think Pilates or Yoga are great to add to your workout mix. They make you feel really good.
BTW, Karen..Can you come to a sitting position after being on your back? I can, but my legs come up too and help me out. LOL! TOUGH!
Eve, I can do it, but I have to be really careful with my back after 2 ruptured disks and 2 back surgeries. Marg, the Pilates doesn't put blunt force on any joint, that's why I like it. I have the Winsor Pilates tapes and DVDs. I have some Yoga tapes, but I don't know if they're *good* ones. I really do like the Pilates. I used to work out with weights on machines and I have a Total Gym 2000. I had a Fitness Trainer gym set in one of the bedrooms for years and I was in awesome shape when I used it, but I needed the space, so I gave it back to my boss. I've been contemplating asking for it back again, but at this old age, I've now got arthritis in my hips and have a lot of joint problems, and the Pilates is easy on the joints. I'm considering getting rid of the Total Gym because it hurts me. I do have some free weights that I'd like to be able to start using for arms again. Eve, in spite of my joint problems, I'm pretty flexible, but maybe it's because I stretch every single day. Back in December when I was still going to Pilates class I could sit down with my knees bent and my legs sort of to the side and bend backwards and lie down flat. I couldn't do that before I started up with Pilates.
Hey Karen send the total gym to Indiana lol just teasing of course.
LOL Brandy.......actually, the Total Gym isn't all it's cracked up to be, IMO........
Good job Karen, I just ordered my DVDs so I cant wait to start. Keep us updated on the results...