Low carbing and pregancy and trying to conceive thread.
Moms View Message Board: Let's Get Fit! (Weight Loss Support Group): Low carbing and pregancy and trying to conceive thread.
Here is the whole thread: http://forum.lowcarber.org/archive/index.php/t-75964 When you are losing weight your body releases Keotenes and other toxins that were stored in fat cells. Normally these toxins are processed through urine, lungs, and natural means. When pregnent or nursing you can pass on these toxins to the child. While there may not of been to many studies done, I would not want to put into my child what my body has already rejected as a toxin. While nursing slow weight loss should be fine because not as much toxins are being released and they may not effect the milk. When a women is pregnent however they suggest you do gain some weight, and even extreamly heavy women they suggest to at least not lose any. Some weight loss in the first trimester will happen occasionaly due to added caloriec needs (200/day), nausia (sp), and morning sickness. Pregnancy only lasts 9 months and is a special time. If a healthy weight and diet is maintaned during it, weight loss after shouldn't be as hard. As for TTC, being a healthier weight and following a healthy diet can make it easier to concieve, and means a better start for your child. Women of child bearing years who may end up pregnent should take a multi vitamen with plenty of folic acid.