Atkins, low carb, or any other diet useful food reference
Moms View Message Board: Let's Get Fit! (Weight Loss Support Group): Atkins, low carb, or any other diet useful food reference
For those doing Atkins or actually ANY diet where you need to keep track of carbs, fiber content, net carbs (carbs minus fiber), fat, protein and calories, this page provides a consise 10 page list of foods by category: There also is a pdf version you can print and take with you when you go out:
Oh my gosh, does that seem like a lot of work counting carbs and fiber. This is why I can never stick with a diet longer than 2 days! LOL! If you just cut back carbs and sugar without counting, do you think that makes a difference? I'm glad to hear it's working out for you!
Cool, thanks! I'm not on a strict diet but do try to limit my carbs due to a high risk of diabetes. Is this your first time posting, John? Nice to meet Feona's DH. BTW, my Dad was an electronic engineer at a PBS TV station for many years before retiring.
I had been using Feona's id to post about my diet on the other thread but I thought I'd come out in the open! As far as counting carbs all I'm really doing is staying away from foods that I know are too high and eating those that I know are low (from studying the sheet). It's much easier than it sounds. In my opinion (since I'm not a doctor of course) cutting back on sugar and sweets can only help. I think everyone agrees that cutting back on things like full sugar soda, cakes, donuts, cookies, and ice cream is a good thing. All that Dr. Atkins (who was a cardiologist) has been saying is that doing this not just a good idea but is the MOST important thing you can do for your health (cardiac and general). Based on hundreds of clinical research studies that he references in the book and on the website: he says that consumption of high sugar and high starch foods over a long period of time is THE trigger for the development of: Obesity, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Arteriosclerosis, Stroke, High Cholesterol and Heart Disease.
John, you're right about cutting back on sugars - basically anything white - White bread, potatoes, rice, and anything ending in *ose* - the sugars. And to the list of things above, add candida, as all the *white* foods feed the yeastie beasties, and make you sick.