Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Screaming?
I've read the Love and Logic books over and over but now I think I've reached a new limit with Connor. Every time I give him a warning that we are going to go somewhere or do something, he screams at the top of his lungs for one second. I know he still does not talk as well as others his age, but I'm ssssoooooooo tired of the objectional screaming. I've ignored it for 24 I keep ignoring it? At first, I reacted and I think he's trying to get that reaction again. Will he outgrow this soon? Should I be really evil and get it on videotape? LOL I'm half laughing and half crying...why does he pick up a new bad habit right before his daddy comes home???
Probably stress...
Yeah, he can maybe feel your excitement and anticipation and he's running with it, since he can't always verbalize what he's feeling.
I think they are right....he could be very stressed.
Ditto everyone else..... Once daddy gets home he'll find something else that gets to