Breastfeeding help
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My sil gave birth to my nephew last Saturday and is having some problems with breastfeeding him. He wouldn't nurse at all in the hospital and the staff ended up giving him bottles of formula and also tried to give him a pacifier while he was in the nursery even though sil and my brother asked them not to. Sadly, both the baby and my sil are getting more and more frustrated. She really wants this to work, but the baby cried for an hour and a half this morning and she is about at her wits end. Sil received very little instruction or guidance at the hospital and she is doubting everything she is doing when it comes to bfing. The baby will only nurse on the left breast. He refuses to nurse on the right side. Her milk came in today and she is quite sore, but she is especially sore on the left side where the baby nurses. Also, her nipple on the left side is in pain, especially when she bfs. On the up side, he is so beautiful! I was able to be in the delivery room when she had him and it was one of the most amazing things I have ever witnessed! I have waited so very long to be an aunt and my brother swore for years that he didn't want any children and since he is my only sibling and my dh is an only child, I never thought this day would come. I'm going to spoil my little nephew rotten!!! I will print out all your advice and take it to her. TIA!
La Leche League Yes, breastfeeding is natural, but it's not always second nature. I had a lazy nurser and the first couple of weeks were REALLY hard! My local La Leche consultant was wonderful!!! She helped me out when all everyone else said was, "Hey, you tried. Just quit!" I did NOT want to quit and hearing that didn't help. Check out the website above to find a local consultant. Your sil can also call the hospital and ask to speak to a nurse about breastfeeding, but it sounds like they weren't very helpful. Also, it's normal for babies to prefer one breast over the other. Both mine like the left best and now and forever more I will be a bit lopsided! lol Your sil can try what's called a football hold for the right side. Basically, she'll hold the baby, face up under her right arm. His feet will be behind her and his head, in her right hand by her right breast. Try to get him to latch on from there. It may "trick" him into thinking he's on her left side. Breastfeeding laying down may help, too (mom lays on her side with the baby next to her). Once my oldest figured it out he was a pro. He wouldn't even take a bottle or a pacifier (except for the human kind!). He nursed for 13 months. My youngest on the other hand came out ready to nurse! He latched on about 2 hours after he was born and didn't let go for an hour. I nursed him for 22 months. There are so many moms on here that have breastfed. You're going to get some great advise for your sil. Enjoy that new little man and congrats to your sil and family!
Okay i second cat's suggestion about LLL. Just let her know these people are true BF freaks and don't let that scare her, they are the best and know there stuff. Just because she consults with them, does not mean she has to be just like them, etc. Some general advice. A hungry hungry baby is very hard to feed. So try to feed before he gets super hungry. Or feed part of a bottle, then move to the breast. As far as sore nipples, part of that is normal, part of it has to do with latching on. If it hurts, take the baby off and try again. There is an initial hurt, but this should go away quickly. After a feed cover your nipples with lanolin (lanolish type) cream. This helps keep all those little cracks from getting too sore. Wipe it off before you feed. Also make sure you are relaxed, ever so hard to do with a screaming baby. So if you can plan ahead, maybe take a shower (this is great when hubby is home), the warm water helps your milk flow and encourages let down. As for breast preference, this is normal. You do want to keep encouraging both breasts. Find out why...look at the breasts, is there a different shape to the nipples? Does the milk come out the same. Squeeze on them and see. For latching on, for me I found that literally holding my breast, helped the shape a little to get it in, if you are big chested try that. The milk is natural, the process daunting. Don't give up. Remember a bottle daily, a paci typically doesn't harm your child, very few have nipple confusion. Since your milk just came in, things should start going better. Make sure you drink plenty of water, you will be starving while feeding, and it doesn't hurt to have a snack nearby.
I don't have any advice, but her situation sounds similar to mine. Without the details, I stopped breastfeeding and it was so emotional and stressful to do that. Please let her know that she is NOT ALONE with her b/f difficulties. {{{hugs to her}}}
Please tell her not to give up! You can email me at hlg mom @ ( no spaces)and I will give you my phone number to give to her- I have worked with LLL for a number of years as well as having nursed for 2 1/2 years. I would be happy to talk to her and give her some good suggestions- it is always easier to talk to the actual mom to help. I would be MORE than happy to help. Us breastfeeding freaks are pretty nice people!
LOL Hlg, hope I didn't offend When I was a first time mom I needed help desperatly and a lady from my church said, oh if you ever need help let me know, I bf till my dd was nearly 4. I about died! I had no idea. And really all the good books say, don't read about bf a toddler until you are there. Because of this lady, it just frightened me away from BF, I tried a week and quit. Didn't try on my 2nd and then successfully bf my 3rd! I just think LLL can be overwhelming if you don't know what you are getting into! Oh and a book suggestion...."so that's what there for" has a lot of good stuff and I really used it as a reference.
Thanks all! I'll pass on the info.