Need advice!!!
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I am back... with problems. LOL I need advice on how to deal with a 9 yr old with ODD. He is getting worse as the days go bye. My once sweet little boy is now having 2 yr old temper tantrums and he throws stuff and hits stuff. He seems to have alot of anger for some reason. I do not help things cause I fly off the handle and start yelling, but only after I have tried everything in my power to make him mind without yelling. Please someone give me some advice. I do not want to medicate him, we tried alot of different meds for ADD, but they all caused depression. Thanks for your advice. I am at a lost.
I have no idea.... I try never to yell at the kids. I yell at strangers..... Time outs for 9 years old is 9 minutes. He can throw soft stuff but then he has to pick it up. He can hit soft stuff just not glass mirrors. (break you hand.) See the school counselor. I have no idea. Sounds like hormones but I aways say get him therapy.
I need to work very hard at not yelling. Maybe if I work on myself, he will follow suit. Thanks for your advice.
Yeah. Yell at everyone else outside the fami Sublimate! Just joking sort of!
Hi Jtsmom, Do you have an actual diagnosis for ODD. There are a lot of reasons for that behavior - not just ODD. Some are even environmental... Is there a good hospital near you. A good workup including learning, allergies and medical come long before ODD. Often GP's and even psychiatrists don't ask enough other medical or learning questions that might help. Feona's right about the structured response - helps. Whats the teacher like - sometimes controlling or mean teachers or even other kids make a child feel like garbage and they bring that home. Linda
There might be alittle medication they can give him. I am sure you know about it.