Avoid aggressive 3 year old?
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Avoid aggressive 3 year old?
Ok, I'm on the fence on this one... we are in a gymboree type class 2x a week - sessions run 8 weeks - it is a small class with only 3 regulars - my 2 1/2 ds is one of them. One of the other kids is very aggressive and not good at all about taking turns. He talks in this deep loud voice and shakes his fist when he gets upset - which is usually several times during the 45min class period. His mom is very good about correcting him immediately and removing him from the situation if needed. I think he has a good heart - and my ds and him do have some fun together at times in the class. But... we've been in the class for 5 weeks and the past 2 weeks my ds has started imitating the other boy - using the same nasty voice whenever he gets upset with us/situations, etc. I also think my ds is a bit intimidated by the other boy - he has never experienced someone acting in this way. This other boy has definitely made quite an impression on my son. I like this class overall and think my ds does too - and it is good exercise for him, etc. I do NOT like the things he is picking up from this other little boy. So.... do I stop going after my 8 weeks are up? There aren't a lot of other options for this type of class in my area. Will my ds get used to this boy's behavior and stop trying to be like him? (I think he sees the power this boy seems to have in class and wants to test it out for himself - ugh) Any thoughts?
I wouldn't drop out. I would simply consequence my child for undesirable behaviors, just like I would in any other situation. Kids are smart. Your son will soon figure out that acting that way simply isn't worth it.
I'd probably finish the 8 weeks and then switch classes.
Depends... if it upsetting you then switch. Kids like that at three years old are all over the place though. I agree with Melanie though on this.
I think I would stick with it to and use it as a learning tool with your son. I mean you said that the mom does correct him. So your son is seeing that this behavior gets you know where. If he continues to mimic then maybe quit next session. But your son is going to run into this time and time again and better to show him now how to handle it.
I'm with Melanie. If this is the only thing you dislike about the class, it's a great chance to start teaching him that what is allowed in other homes isn't necessarily allowed in your household. No matter where you go, you and your ds will be exposed to children who show, in your opinion, unacceptable behavior. If he isn't hurting your ds and as long as your ds isn't taking it even further than this little boy, I think it's worth sticking out. JMO, of course.
Thanks - I appreciate your feedback - I think I'm just embarrassed that my ds is now mimicing this himself - esp. if others overhear it in public - I want to shout "he isn't like this - he is just acting like a boy he knows!!!!" :-) Hee, hee I think we'll stick it out.