My baby is scared of taking a bath.
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Everytime I try and give my 2 year old a bath he begins to scream and cry and I have no idea why. A couple of months ago he loved his bath time, he use to play in the tub, but now he is absolutely terrified of taking a bath. Has anyone ever had this problem ?
I have, it just takes time. Also really try to work through this, if this means extra toys in the bath, not so much water. We used to let our two year old shower with one of us. Also maybe fill up the tub while he is not in the room, that can be loud. Sometimes they get scared because they feel unstable. You can put a sturdy laundry basket in the tub to make it smaller and not as slick.
Yes, my DD was like that. We finally let her take her security blanket in the tub with her. That really helped. Having a spare DRY blanket for afterwards was key!!
My oldest two went through a phase where they freaked out over the bath because they didn't like water poured over their heads. Bath hats solved it for us. Good luck!
My son did the same thing. We finally figured out that he didn't like having his hair rinsed because we got water in his ears. Once we showed him to put his fingers in his ears, he calmed down about bathtime. Hope you can figure out what's making him afraid. Bath toys and bath crayons are a great idea. Ame
Both my kids went through a similar stage when they were little. Bath visors and toys helped a lot.
I'm definately going to get some one of those visors for Avery. Thanks alot for all of your advice.
This happened to mine and I realized that when Dad gave the bath he just dumped water over their heads, never shielding them from the runoff! After I gained their trust back and did not let the water hit their face they did not cry anymore. Just what happened in my case.