Early Puberty???
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Does anyone have experience or know anything about early puberty? (I forgot the word for it...sorry!). My 2 year old dd is going for another doctors apt. tomorrow. She seems to be getting little breast buds. Just wondering if anyone know ANYTHING about this? TIA!
Did a quick web search and this is what I found. Apparently it's not uncommon and is nothing to be alarmed about. Early Puberty Premature Thelarche
Yikes, that one link said the earliest pregnancy is age 5 and a half!! WOW!!
Vicki, Here is more info about the youngest recorded mother. (There is a photo included at the bottom that may not be suitable for little eyes.) Youngest Mother
I am speechless after reading that article, Trina. I cannot imagine.
I'm interested in early puberty as well. My dd is 6 and she already has body odor (under her arms). Everything seems to happen so early now.
I can't fathom going through childbirth at age 5. What a horrible story.
Come on ladies... I am already worried about my 2 year old. I don't really need talk about 5 year olds getting pregnant. I posted this for information that may help me not to be sickened by a horrible story and induced by more fear. No offense, but some discretion....please? I don't mean to offend anyone, but perhaps if you want to continue that horrible conversation of the pregnancy of a 5 year old, and how you feel about it maybe you could start a new post. Thanks for your support and help!
Good luck at your appointment today. Even though I don't know how you feel- it would seem nice a catch a hug every now and then. ((((HUGS))))
Monica, I am sorry that I offended you. I had no idea that puberty could even happen that early and was shocked when I clicked on Trina's links and while reading one, noticed the earliest pregnancy. From everything I was able to gather from what I read, it didn't act like early puberty was really anything to be overly concerned about. Obviously the family that has the earliest pregnancy had many other issues going on as well. I don't think that is something you need to worry about. Good luck today!!
Vicki- Don't worry, you didn't offend me at all. I was just sort of shocked that my post was almost turned into a discussion about something so horrible. I was simply wanting some leads to some info and it didn't look like it was going in that direction. Obviously, my 2 year old is not pregnant. LOL! And, that is not what I was worried about. I just thought the treads to my post took a wrong turn for a concerned mommy who needed answers- that's all. I'm not offended too easily....no hard feelings here!
Monica, I apologize. It would have been more appropriate to start a different post regarding the youngest mom. I did not mean to upset you. Sometimes threads get side tracked. {{{HUGS}}} Did you read about Premature Thelarche? Although I am definitely not a doctor, according to the article above, it sounds like this could be what your DD is experiencing. I hope the doctor appt. goes well. Please let us know how it goes.
Link above. What is premature thelarche? Thelarche means "the beginning of breast development." Therefore, if a girl begins to show breast enlargement at an early age (anywhere from birth to six years), it is called "premature thelarche." Technically, most cases of early breast enlargement are harmless, and do not progress significantly. They are not the beginning of (continued) breast development. They also are not usually associated with the development of the other physical signs of puberty, e.g., acne, pubic hair, periods, or rapid growth. Therefore, a better term for this condition is infantile, or early, "gynecomastia," which only signifies that one or both breasts are enlarged.
Monica - I do personally know a child that has gone through early puberty. She was diagnosed around the age of 5. She's 10 now. Her first symptom was breast development. She started homrone shots at that time, every 28 days, to keep her from starting her period. When she turned 10, they stopped the shots and she did start her period a few months later. Her parents had to take her to a specialist at Children's Hospital in Chicago every few months for a check-up. She did get very moody around the time she was to get her shot. This is hard for a girl her age as well as for her friends because they aren't able to handle those types of emotional issues. But, other than that, if you didn't know she was diagnosed with Precocious Child, you would never know it. She looks normal, just a little heavier than most kids due to the shots. She does everything her friends do - dance, Girl Scouts, softball, etc. so, while it looks scary in print, it's not really that bad in real life. At least, that's my experience. I'm not saying it's this but it's not as scary as you would think. Please let us know what the DR says.