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Daddy's Boy

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Daddy's Boy
By Heaventree on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 11:16 pm:

Matthew has been favouring DH for about 6 months now. I thought that this was just a phase and it would pass.

It's really starting to bother me, I'm not envious of their relationship at all, I'm happy he loves his daddy so much.

The hard part is trying to get Matthew to do anything for me when DH is around. If DH leaves the room he cries and does not want anything to do with me. If DH is home, I can't feed Matthew, I can make his lunch or dinner, but DH has to give it to him. He wants DH all the time for everything. We are fine when DH is at work and it's just the two of us. It's kind of a nice break but I'm starting to feel bad, it's hard when your child rejects you.

Please tell me this will pass. :(

By Hlgmom on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 01:51 am:

Don't worry it will pass! My dd went through this and it was hard! :) However- they so rever back to "mommmy" soon emough! Just try and enjoy the break by reading a book or magazine and have a moment for yourself. He has just discovered that there are actually people out there besides mom and it is exciting! Hang in there- I know it can be tough!

By Debbie on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 10:18 am:

My oldest, who is almost 8, was like this, and still is to an extent. He just really seems to enjoy the company of men more then women. If we are at a family gathering you will see him with my Dad, brother, dh, his brother. He just is like that. I am still very close to him, and he talks to me more and opens up to me more about his feelings. But, if he had to pick who to spend the day with, he would probably pick dh. Does it hurt my feelings? Yes, sometimes it does. But, I have come to realize that it is just the way he is. So, it will probably pass. But, he may just be one that enjoys the company of men more then women. Now, my younget ds, is a totally different story. Yesterday, he told me that when he grows up he is going to buy the house next to ours, so he can live by me forever.

By Tink on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 12:14 pm:

I have to ditto Debbie here. My ds is the same way and has been this way since toddlerhood. It did ease up as far as taking care of him goes but he will choose to spend time with my dh, shares "big news" with dh first, but the "only Daddy can do it" did fade after about 6 months. I think ds was the same age as Matthew when it was at its worst. Just try not to let it get to you too much. {{{Hugs}}}

By Enchens on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 06:12 pm:

My ds is doing this too. Actually, right now ds and dh are drilling, hammering, and nailing. (I'm afraid to see what they are doing to be honest.) But I know they are having a good time. I'm enjoying the break, but sometimes I do get sad that ds prefers his daddy. I have mentioned this to dh at times and he reassures me that if I leave to run errands for a bit or something, ds is crying for me to come back. DS also gets really concerned about me if I get hurt. I have to reassure him that my owie (sp?)is ok. The way I see it is, I got to enjoy having bearing a child (morning sickness and labor aside) and nursing him (engorged breasts, etc. aside) and having a baby completely dependent on me (sleepless nights and colic aside) that it's ok for dh to take over now and then.

By Pamt on Sunday, January 1, 2006 - 02:07 pm:

My youngest was like this...and at age 9 is still a Daddy's boy. Don't get me wrong, he loves me, is a big snuggler, thanks me for everything (thanks for supper, thanks for teaching me to use nice manners---really he said that last week LOL, thanks for scratching my back), but he is his Dad's shadow. It was at its peak during the toddler and preschool years. People would comment on how much he loved his daddy and I would agree. They would then give that knowing smile and say, "But I'll bet he wants his mama when he is sad, sick, hurt, etc." I'd have to tell them that no he preferred his daddy even then. Whenever we have to take 2 cars somewhere for some reason (like church--DH is a minister and has to go earlier), he always wants to be the one to ride with his dad. DS very much loves both of us, but he is a daddy's boy. My oldest is a mommy's boy though, so it all kind of evens out. DH and I joke about it because he was a SAHD with our oldest, I was a SAHM with our youngest and they are shadows to the opposite. We said we must have had too much time with us as infants that they have to spend time with the other parent now.

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